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If Arsenal win the FA cup....

.....then Spurs are the only top4 London club (Arsenal, Chelsea, West Ham and Spurs) that haven't won A SINGLE TROPHY in this decade...

£110 mil worth of pure cack..

No major finals in this millennium for this joke club...

Let's begin the LASagaddon...

posted on 9/5/14

comment by myhammers (U2373)
posted 8 minutes ago
It's amazing what you can bet on these days.
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posted on 9/5/14

West Ham scored 7 goals against Spurs in this season. Is there any other London club has managed this feat in this season?

posted on 9/5/14

oh, and have a 5

posted on 9/5/14

West Ham won the World Cup. That's worth more than all the others put together.

WORLD CUP !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1- What sort of pillock are you?

posted on 12/5/14

.....then Spurs are the only top4 London club (Arsenal, Chelsea, West Ham and Spurs) that haven't won A SINGLE TROPHY in this decade...

£110 mil worth of pure cack..

No major finals in this millennium for this joke club...

Let's begin the LASagaddon...

muffinboy......................................thats FIVE clubs you have mentioned!!

Remind me again which trophy West Ham have won in the last decade??

Incidentally a decade is ten years and the current decade started in 2011, so which trophy also did Arsenal win since 2011?

West Ham last appeared (not won) in a major final in 2006 & lost. Spurs won the Football League Cup in 2008 and were runners up in 2009.

So in the past 10 years we have appeared in TWO major finals as opposed to WHU's one!

Irrespective of your opinion, the Football League Cup is the third in terms of major trophies in English football.

Are you a bit clearer in your understanding of the football hierarchy in England now?

posted on 12/5/14

muffinboy......................................thats FIVE clubs you have mentioned!!


Arsenal, Chelsea, Spurs and West Ham; how many are there?

Incidentally a decade is ten years and the current decade started in 2011, so which trophy also did Arsenal win since 2011?


That's why I said IF

posted on 12/5/14

So in the past 10 years we have appeared in TWO major finals as opposed to WHU's one!

League cup is not a MAJOR Cup I'm afraid.

posted on 12/5/14

It is the third biggest trophy in England.

And again I ask, which trophy has West Ham won in the past 10 years, no lets make that 30 years????

posted on 12/5/14

We won the Magnificent Olympic Stadium trophy, eventually beating Tottenham on penalties in the final.

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