If it hasnt hit you there already about ER and TA they both moved to the BVI
shortly after Ken took over us
just join the dots and im sure you'l see his face behind it all
Right Between The Eyes
posted on 21/5/14
TA isn't owned by bates
posted on 21/5/14
who does?
posted on 21/5/14
Jacob Adler owns it 'officially'. But, I saw the BVI link also. Don't know if that BVI info is factual or speculative? But, with you-know-who, can anyone categorically say he's not involved? Who knows, the way things are going, we may find out sometime Friday.
posted on 21/5/14
Has 23 companies registered in BVI
posted on 21/5/14
so how come the council couldnt figure that out?
posted on 21/5/14
Think it was more to do with who owns leeds
posted on 21/5/14
il check it out ..... as i cant remember hha il link it if i find it
posted on 21/5/14
yeah your right on that one LIW http://www.yorkshireeveningpost.co.uk/news/latest-news/top-stories/new-details-on-failed-leeds-united-thorp-arch-deal-1-6355243