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Put Into Perspective

The 15 year old Spanish kid Wenger developed and brought into the Invincibles era with a view to building a team around him. Wenger's son, project, golden boy, favourite his everything. Don't forget Wenger was broken man when he jumped ship.

Now who actually thinks Wenger (as hesitant as he is) will let this kid who means the world to him play for probably the only manager in the world that he hates? Had this been last summer maybe..... but the 'specialist' comments has really inspired Wenger who went on to win a trophy unlike Jose and now will get his favourite player back. Jose comments will make him look the ultimate mug now, probably wouldn't have made them if he knew it would backfire this hard!

Don't worry about Arsenal's lack of movement in this situation, we can let Cesc buy a house in West London, have a medical and set-up to pose in a Chelsea kit and still scupper the deal it's so in our hands that's probably the best bit about it, difference in finances can't hold us back on this one!

The new trophyless laughing stock that is Jose . Plus Cesc hates Jose. Only chance they have is if Roman tells Cesc Jose will inevitably be fired come christmas and he's bringing in Pep

Anyone that thinks Wenger will let Cesc go Chelsea.......... think again!

posted on 3/6/14

comment by kneerash-23 Cara Gold (U6876)
posted 1 minute ago
I'm not but I have annoyed several people, I'm just going to avoid Cesc articles from now onI seem to píss people off on them far too quickly.

comment by Tu Meke (U3732)

posted on 3/6/14

It's incredible that you are still taking that stance. Especially after all those literal essays you typed out on the subject.

posted on 3/6/14

Oh for goodness sake I'm about to lose it, Coldplay

posted on 3/6/14

It's incredible how annoyed people have gotten over my opinion on something

posted on 3/6/14

I'd incredible is exactly the right word.

posted on 3/6/14

I'd say*

posted on 3/6/14

It really is quite strange that so many people got so annoyed just because I think this idea of a father figure (for a 26 year old) is daft Henrys.

Like that knoweldgeable lad seems to have gotten himself banned over it, and really at the end of the day it was simply my opinion (also shared by other posters on this site) v his opinion on Cesc.

posted on 3/6/14

Well, if he did get banned over it then maybe you could say 1 person got annoyed about it. Which is a bit strange, I'll grant you.

posted on 3/6/14

comment by kneerash-23 Cara Gold (U6876)
posted 8 minutes ago
It really is quite strange that so many people got so annoyed just because I think this idea of a father figure (for a 26 year old) is daft Henrys.

It's what you think. Goes the other way, too. Why oh why COULDN'T a player have feelings of gratitude or the like towards a manager who saw potential in him, gave him a chance and helped him become the world class player he is today? I understand you can have your opinion but why would you so vehemently refuse it can be possible? Unless someone here knows Cesc personally I don't think anyone would know his personal stance in this regard.

posted on 3/6/14

Yeah fair point March 2K, I was OTT about it but I was also getting a load of grief about my opinion so I reacted to it.

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