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Most of you will know that we held a meeting @ The Wellington Pub Marquee on 10 June. We arranged it because of the lack of news coming from the club. We had no idea how many would attend and of how the meeting would go. On the night over fifty fans turned up and we had an excellent meeting with a full and frank exchange of views and ideas from supporters of all age groups. Since then we have had good coverage in the Bristol Post and Sunday Independent.

In the ensuing two weeks there has been little further news from the club. We still do not know the scope, nature and timeline of the review; and to whom it will be made available. No date has been announced for Nick Higgs' Q&A which was to be open to all fans. The SC EGM raised more questions and concerns than answers. To all intents and purposes little, if anything, has changed. In fact some of the points made at the EGM have possibly given some supporters more reason for concern. We feel it is important to agree on which points we would most like answered by the Board, and our responses to some of the things that came out of Tuesday night's SC EGM; that way we will not waste any time when the Q & A takes place.

We are reaching out to the club, they have so far refused to reach out to us. We may have to respond in different, smarter ways to inspire change and belief in OUR club again.

Therefore we have arranged a second meeting on:

TUESDAY 1st JULY 7.30pm The Wellington marquee. This meeting is open to ALL Rovers Supporters.

We need to keep up the pressure for change. In doing so we need to be constructive, respectful and united.
Further details will be posted closer to the date; please try to attend, your opinions count. The more who attend, the louder our voice!

posted on 15/7/15

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Tom Hooper, who made Brian Clough's time at Leeds with deftness in The Damned United, directs in such a sage and stoic manner it's hard to get past how important the film thinks it is.

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