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Our owners

I have been well and truly shafted by the powers that be at the King Power Stadium.
For six month as I have been arguing with The people down there at Filbert Way. But I have been unable to get in touch with Vichai and

So can any body please help me out and let me know how I can get in touch with our wonderful owners of our Wonderful Football Club.

one or two people know me and know what has gone on, and I can state here that I will never step foot in the Stadium ever again and will never spend another penny at the club.
I hope to travel to away games if I can get a ticket.

I will go public soon. But I would like a chance to talk to the owners first.
Can anybody please help me out!

posted on 26/6/14

If you write a letter and Mark it Private and Confidential it will only be opened by the person it is addressed to bypassing PA s etc.

posted on 26/6/14

Forgot to say but I'm sure you would do anyway,
but make sure you use first name and surname.

posted on 26/6/14

I would like to know how you expect to get tickets to away games.
I cant justify a ST now 250 mile trip.
But all southern games please.

posted on 26/6/14

I don't think they'll be interested mate. If you send them a letter, it'll be opened by a secretary or someone like that on their behalf. They will be advised that thisn't something for them to concern themselves with and something that will be sorted out internally and they'll be happy with that - neither of them will have the time or inclination to get involved here.

If you want to go public then there's nothing stopping you but, while I do understand your annoyance, I really, really wish you'd just give this up. There are more important things in life.

posted on 26/6/14

Gloria - don't listen to Dungeon. If you feel wronged then you have to do what you feel is right to feel at ease.

Well, a little bit of that, but mainly the fact that we are so in need of something to talk about on here!

In all seriousness, I probably think Dungeon's advice is wise but also hate any perceived injustice.

posted on 26/6/14

It would be like trying to get a royal pardon by writing to the Queen. It would set a president also why would be interested it will be your word against the club my friend.
If you feel that you where no way responsible for the situation then go public.
But rember the backlash you could get from your fellow fans that might not see it the same way.
Finnaly cutting off your nose to spit your face never works you will be the only one to lose out. Leave the moral high ground to others.

Come back

posted on 26/6/14

Think this is to do with standing, or stewarding.
Dont lose out because of something you may mot agree with,because you wont win.
If you feel that strongly go to the mercury about it, I threatened that over a ticket issue, and they soon caved in.
They do not want any bad publicity.

posted on 26/6/14

Please take the advice from Dunge.

Just sad your situation still seems to unresolved in your eyes but really think again before going public or involving our wonderful owners.

Indeed, there are more important things in life, health being one of them.

posted on 26/6/14

Take them to court and if you dont win burn the club flag, swear at them in the club shop in front of kids and put it on youtube.sorted.

posted on 27/6/14

the trouble with pi55ing in the wind is you invariably get covered in pi55 - Swallow a bit and get back to watching and supporting the team you love, you'll soon forget your pride - We have a Premier League season to look forward to

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