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Frank Lampard

Despite Lampard being such a great player for the club I think that AVB needs to think about other options. If Modric comes in he will be a definite replacement but if AVB doesn't sign another creative midfielder I think Josh and Benayoun should be given more chances this season. Chelsea can then do what Man U did with Scholes and play him in important games for the club against tough opposition or when we need a win deseparetly. Our new midfield could be....

Ramires.........Mikel.........Modric ?




This would give us a good variety of choices and making are play a bit more unpredictable. Lampard has been a legend for the club but its time we move on.

What our your thoughts on Lampards future at the club and our midfield?

posted on 20/8/11

McEachran over Lampard next game

posted on 20/8/11

That's right TBK. Frank on the bench now

posted on 20/8/11

Do you think AVB will actually drop Lampard though ?

posted on 20/8/11

If AVB wasnt brave enough to ship out deadwood when he first arrived hes not brave enough to drop Lampard. Certainly in the next few games anyway.

posted on 20/8/11

if Modric comes in I hope he will

posted on 20/8/11

Lamps/mceachran to play 70/30 split. Lamps needs games to be at best

posted on 20/8/11

Frank was great,but since injury knocked him back he has not been anywhere near his best.I like Lamps and he has been a legend,but he cannot cut it now and I would give Josh or obviously Modric a run in the middle.Frank has had months now to recover and get fit.
Hope to see Sturridge playing soon and Luiz,but surprised to see Kalou feature at present.Decent sub,but not a winner although AVB may know more about players than me and the rest of us.
Where will the new guys fit in too?

posted on 20/8/11

I would imagine are line up would be...



posted on 20/8/11


Looking good,just have to slot Lakuka in and we are sorted.

posted on 20/8/11

I reckon he will feature more in cups and as a sub this season and then he will start to break into the team.

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