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Article Rating 3.25 Stars

Neutral's view on Arsenal

First of all it's shame that so many of the fans want Wenger out. Take positives instead of negatives. You might not have won in last 6-7 years but Arsene has given you a lot over 15 years.

Attractive football, global fame, trophies, some world class players and working within the budget he has is a miracle. Players like Vermalen, Kosieny, Djorou, Song wouldn't be in the premier league if not because of his scouts

On the other side, I think he is very stubborn and I really felt bad for him last year after Liverpool game at Emirates.
I think he is on a personal mission to create a legacy with kids. It might come up good, it might not.

But keep faith in him and don't force him out of the club. I still think you are good enough for 4th spot. And don't forget the power is divided on top and with his sensible spending he is laying a solid foundation for future managers.

Rant over.

posted on 21/8/11

Look from outside people rate Wenger, but Arsenal fan demand instant success. We need to look from the outside and admire.

Same way in when some plastic utd fans start calling for Fergie's head, I just get gobsmacked.

comment by Eboue (U3815)

posted on 21/8/11

agree with Rooney 19. Seems strange the rival fans can see the qualities in him that his own fans (well some of them) cannot

Thats because we feel the brunt of every mistake he makes

posted on 21/8/11

i can admire your car as much as i want but that wont get me to work.

In the same way regardless of how other teams supporters may appreciate him, it doesnt concern them.

Wenger is stubborn without delivering the results. Now that the competition is from not just Man U he is super clueless.

He needs to get himself sorted out or leave whilst his legacy is still intact.

posted on 21/8/11

I'm sure rival fan's fully appreciate Wengers utter and total ineptitude, one less team for you to worry about eh !

Thanks for your earnest concern !...........

posted on 21/8/11

The Gooner - i know these are cynical times, but if you can't take a compliment of your manager without thinking of some more underhanded motive, then the world is in a sorry state of affairs.

So you haven't won the league for 7 years - so what? United went 26 years before this period of success, Liverpool have gone 22 years, Everton have gone 26 years.

Wenger has completely dispensed with the idea of "1-0 to the Arsenal" tag, and got the team playing attractive football to the extent that most neutrals love and admire Arsenal as their second team.

He has done all this under tight financial contstraints which threaten to engulf and ruin the game and while paying off the debt of building a new stadium in London. He has never moaned or complained about his board (as far as i can tell) or sought these constraints as an excuse for under performance.

Financially you are in good health, which will stand you in good stead long after Wenger has gone, and he has kept you in the champions league while doing all of this (i.e. at the top table).

Still, why not get rid of him - who will you replace him with? Sam Allardyce? Martin O'Neill? Jose Mourinho?

posted on 21/8/11

He should go, in my view, if he doesn't win a trophy this season. They need a fresher approach than his tired, failing philosphy.

posted on 21/8/11

I don't care about winning trophies what I care about is the team showing progress. I think in 07/08 we had a quality team that could have gone places but 1 by 1 that team has been dismantled and we have gone backwards. I mean look at the team we had that season:

Sagna Kolo Gallas Clichy
Hleb Flamini Cesc Rosicky
Eduardo Adebayor

Only Sagna and Rosicky remain from that team and Rosicky has been useless for years. People talk about an Invincible member leaving 1 by 1 but we are talking about a team that was in the title race in May 08 being completely dismantled in a matter of 3 years.

Too much chopping and changing for my liking, but what is worse this Summer is that he has done plenty of chopping but has failed to make any signings. It was painfully evident at the end of last season that we needed a center back, defensive midfielder and a goalscorer. Since then we have lost Clichy, Fabregas and probably Nasri and now have 10 days to not only sign the players we needed at the end of last season but replacements for the experienced members who want out!!! That is all Wenger's doing, nobody else's.

I haven't called for his head yet because he still has 10 days to make those signings but it is inevitable he won't. I can see him signing Scott Dann and a decentish midfielder like Lucho Gonzalez/Valbuena/Jadson and then deluding himself into thinking our squad is good enough to win the title when realistically it probably will struggle to come 6th!!!

posted on 21/8/11

actually what we need is for Spurs to hit their straps to do well this season & beat us home & away convincingly. For them to finish ahead of us & also someone to take them over & spend, this would cause the board no end of trouble.

posted on 21/8/11

So the best thing for us would be for us to be beaten home and away by our local rivals who end up finishing ahead of us in the league?

Of course, why didn't I think of that before

posted on 21/8/11

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