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Matt Hardy - idiot or misunderstood?

As you may be aware, Matt Hardy was arrested for DUI and was immediately released by TNA Wrestling. Given the man is 37 years of age, has been released from the two largest wrestling companies in North America, recently suspended from TNA for showing up late (despite the fact they work two days a week), attracted for criticism for posting a video online of him and his brother Jeff threatening to use a taser on his girlfriend, still holds grudges against Edge, CM Punk and Lita over past transgressions and is still quite outspoken about it, dresses like a emo-teenager (nothing wrong with that, unless you're 37 years old as he is) and still believes that each year is the year that he will redefine professional wrestling, do you think it's time for Matt Hardy to hang up the tights.

Don't get me wrong, I used to really enjoy Matt Hardy and thought he could be one of those stars that will always be close to the top but not quite there. At the very least he would have been always in work but these days I'm not so sure. WWE is so scared (and rightly so) of being involved in another scandal that they won't be so forgiving as they have been in the past, look at how many times they hired Marty Jannetty back despite all of his issues, but not anymore. For all of his criticisms, Vince McMahon has been good at giving people a second chance but will HHH or Stephanie when they eventually take over?

TNA are still relatively new and don't want the hassle. There's plenty of other wrestlers out there chomping at the bit to be showcased, so why waste anymore time and money on someone who will embarrass them?

Sad thing is, given how both Matt and Jeff practically grew up in the WWF/E, they could have had a job for life, eventually moving into the road agent/producer role when their bodies couldn't take the punishment.

I'm sure Matt will move onto ROH or another company, unfortunately Japan may be out of the question for him with a criminal record, most certainly is for Jeff with his recent troubles. But what happens when he burns all of his bridges?

On a recent wrestling forum website, I posted a comment saying that it was only a matter of time before one of the OMEGA group were found dead somewhere. I obviously hope I'm wrong but I have a feeling it may only be a matter of time.

Thanks for reading, bit disjointed perhaps but any thoughts, good bad or indifferent, please let me know.

posted on 22/8/11

The two of them could have been huge but Jeff is not mentally tough enough and Matt keeps running his mouth.

comment by aidanmf (U5164)

posted on 22/8/11

Definitely Metro_1, imagine a brother vs brother world title match at Wrestlemania. It could have been massive. Jeff had really stepped up his game in his last tenure at WWE and Matt could have played the heel world champion quite well.

posted on 22/8/11

good riddance not worth the hassle same goes for jeff how many chances has he had need to set an example tha it wont be tolerated.

the people who let jeff wrestle sing when he could not Stand should also be fired.

posted on 22/8/11

They've lost it, mentally/ Obviously something in the family genetics makes them do this.

Two brothers, immense talent, SO over with the crowd, and yet seem determined to blow their potential, as pointed out in the OP, by messing up at BOTH big US federations.

Matt Hardy? IDIOT!

posted on 23/8/11

They're both poor mic workers too

posted on 29/8/11

jeff hardy lives not too far from me.. ive noticed in his vids that he's pretty much a working-class carolina guy and thus I can see where he and Matt's issues with drugs comes from, as it's a big problem in this area.. I think Jeff has the star power to rival cena and punk, but it has to be used correctly. I'd love to see him embody ToeCutter's character from Mad Max - they seem so much alike.............
as for matt well he's got to know his place in the biz, because he doesn't have Jeff' star power or wrestling talent. He still has a place though as a tag teamer or enforcer type if he can get his act together

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