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Ja 606 prediction league fixtures & Results

Round 1 ....16......31............

......... Webboּ v Redfor50yrs (7-3).(4-7).(1-2)....
......... Unidentified Forest Obsessive v Forest monkey (3-6).(10-6).(3-3).......
......... Hoonsombalonga v Pundit (10-8).(6-8).(3-5).......
......... Ja 606 v Maяcо ЇL Faптa$тїcо (7-5).(6-8).(3-5).......
......... PayneNglory v Tricky-Tree-in-Texas (6-5).(10-11).(9-3).......
......... stillhatehooijdonk v Super_Psycho (7-7).(9-7).(3-8).......
......... redrebel12 v Sheriff of Nottm (4-11).(11-6).(6-3).......
......... part_time_supporter v foREVer irREVerent (10-7).(7-10).(4-3).......

Round 2 ......17......32..........

......... Forest monkey v Webboּ (2-1).(4-3).(5-3).......
......... Pundit v Redfor50yrs (0-1).(8-9).(2-2).......
......... Maяcо ЇL Faптa$тїcо v Unidentified Forest Obsessive (1-1).(9-5).(6-5).......
......... Tricky-Tree-in-Texas v Hoonsombalonga (6-2).(10-9).(5-5).......
......... Super_Psycho v Ja 606 (2-6).(11-5).(4-5).......
......... Sheriff of Nottm v PayneNglory (4-1).(5-8).(5-5).......
......... foREVer irREVerent v stillhatehooijdonk (7-2).(5-7).(5-5).......
......... part_time_supporter v redrebel12 (2-4).(7-9).(2-2).......

Round 3 ....18.......33...........

......... Webboּ v Pundit (6-7).(4-6).(5-7).......
......... Forest monkey v Maяcо ЇL Faптa$тїcо (6-4).(7-5).(7-11).......
......... Redfor50yrs v Tricky-Tree-in-Texas (5-8).(6-4).(11-9).......
......... Unidentified Forest Obsessive v Super_Psycho (9-6).(1-2).(7-9).......
......... Hoonsombalonga v Sheriff of Nottm (3-5).(8-5).(7-7).......
......... Ja 606 v foREVer irREVerent (3-4).(1-6).(7-7).......
......... PayneNglory v part_time_supporter (6-6).(5-6).(14-10).......
......... stillhatehooijdonk v redrebel12 (4-6).(8-3).(7-7).......

Round 4 ....19.....34.............

......... Maяcо ЇL Faптa$тїcо v Webboּ (10-4).(6-3).(4-3).......
......... Tricky-Tree-in-Texas v Pundit (4-4).(5-13).(7-5).......
......... Super_Psycho v Forest monkey (5-6).(2-3).(6-5).......
......... Sheriff of Nottm v Redfor50yrs (6-5).(5-3).(5-4).......
......... foREVer irREVerent v Unidentified Forest Obsessive (6-5).(8-4).(5-5).......
......... part_time_supporter v Hoonsombalonga (4-9).(1-1).(7-5).......
......... redrebel12 v Ja 606 (5-7).(7-5)........
......... stillhatehooijdonk v PayneNglory (8-5).(8-7).(5-5).......

Round 5 ......20........35........

......... Webboּ v Tricky-Tree-in-Texas (5-3).(5-5).(6-8).......
......... Maяcо ЇL Faптa$тїcо v Super_Psycho (1-9).(3-3).(5-7).......
......... Pundit v Sheriff of Nottm (6-2).(5-3).(8-8).......
......... Forest monkey v foREVer irREVerent (3-6).(3-9).(8-8).......
......... Redfor50yrs v part_time_supporter (2-4).(7-3)..(5-9)......
......... Unidentified Forest Obsessive v redrebel12 (3-6).(6-7).(8-4).......
......... Hoonsombalonga v stillhatehooijdonk (3-4).(9-3)..(8-8)......
......... Ja 606 v PayneNglory (3-3).(3-4)..(8-7)......

Round 6 .........21.......36......

......... Super_Psycho v Webboּ (15-5).(7-4).(9-13).......
......... Sheriff of Nottm v Tricky-Tree-in-Texas (7-6).(6-6).(2-2).......
......... foREVer irREVerent v Maяcо ЇL Faптa$тїcо (5-7).(6-8).(2-3).......
......... part_time_supporter v Pundit (6-7).(3-2).(7-8).......
......... redrebel12 v Forest monkey (7-7).(3-9).(10-2).......
......... stillhatehooijdonk v Redfor50yrs (11-7).(6-6).(2-7).......
......... PayneNglory v Unidentified Forest Obsessive (9-8).(6-4).(6-2).......
......... Ja 606 v Hoonsombalonga (7-8).(6-3).(2-2).......

Round 7 .....22.......37..........

......... Webboּ v Sheriff of Nottm (2-7).(4-2).(3-2).......
......... Super_Psycho v foREVer irREVerent (4-4).(3-2).(6-2).......
......... Tricky-Tree-in-Texas v part_time_supporter (6-8).(2-6).(3-5).......
......... Maяcо ЇL Faптa$тїcо v redrebel12 (10-7).(5-9).(4-4).......
......... Pundit v stillhatehooijdonk (8-3).(6-2).(10-2).......
......... Forest monkey v PayneNglory(6-6).(3-4).(2-2).......
......... Redfor50yrs v Ja 606 (7-4).(3-2).(10-2).......
......... Unidentified Forest Obsessive v Hoonsombalonga (4-4).(2-2).(2-2).......

Round 8 .....23..........38.......

......... foREVer irREVerent v Webboּ (6-6).(2-6).(3-8).......
......... part_time_supporter v Sheriff of Nottm (5-5).(9-4).(6-3).......
......... redrebel12 v Super_Psycho (7-10).(5-4).(10-8).......
......... stillhatehooijdonk v Tricky-Tree-in-Texas (6-7).(4-7).(3-10).......
......... PayneNglory v Maяcо ЇL Faптa$тїcо (7-5).(9-5).(5-7).......
......... Ja 606 v Pundit (4-7).(4-6).(3-10).......
......... Hoonsombalonga v Forest monkey (9-3).(4-4).(3-3).......
......... Unidentified Forest Obsessive v Redfor50yrs (7-10).(3-5).(3-9).......

Round 9 ......24.........39.......

......... Webboּ v part_time_supporter (5-8).(6-4)..(2-2)......
......... foREVer irREVerent v redrebel12 (11-3).(7-4).(5-1).......
......... Sheriff of Nottm v stillhatehooijdonk (3-4).(4-4).(5-5).......
......... Super_Psycho v PayneNglory (14-8).(9-11).(5-5).......
......... Tricky-Tree-in-Texas v Ja 606 (3-3).(11-4).(6-5).......
......... Maяcо ЇL Faптa$тїcо v Hoonsombalonga (2-7).(5-4).(5-5).......
......... Pundit v Unidentified Forest Obsessive (10-9).(7-2).(2-5).......
......... Forest monkey v Redfor50yrs (6-1).(4-6).(5-2).......

Round 10 .....25........40.........

......... redrebel12 v Webboּ (4-7).(3-1)..(5-9)......
......... stillhatehooijdonk v part_time_supporter (4-7).(4-4).(3-4).......
......... PayneNglory v foREVer irREVerent (4-4).(3-3).(6-3).......
......... Ja 606 v Sheriff of Nottm (2-2).(4-4).(3-3).......
......... Hoonsombalonga v Super_Psycho (2-6).(1-4).(3-7).......
......... Unidentified Forest Obsessive v Tricky-Tree-in-Texas (7-6).(4-9)..(3-3)......
......... Redfor50yrs v Maяcо ЇL Faптa$тїcо (2-7).(2-4)..(9-6)......
......... Forest monkey v Pundit (2-2).(1-6)..(3-13)......

Round 11 ......26..........41......

......... Webboּ v stillhatehooijdonk (3-11).(9-5).(5-6).......
......... redrebel12 v PayneNglory (1-3).(14-9).(3-5).......
......... part_time_supporter v Ja 606 (5-3).(9-5).(8-6).......
......... foREVer irREVerent v Hoonsombalonga (3-6).(6-5)..(6-6)......
......... Sheriff of Nottm v Unidentified Forest Obsessive (2-2).(5-5).(6-6).......
......... Super_Psycho v Redfor50yrs (3-4).(9-10)..(3-5)......
......... Tricky-Tree-in-Texas v Forest monkey (4-6).(5-5).(6-6).......
......... Maяcо ЇL Faптa$тїcо v Pundit (8-3).(10-15).(9-8).......

Round 12 ......27........42........

......... PayneNglory v Webboּ (4-4).(5-7).(6-8).......
......... Ja 606 v stillhatehooijdonk (5-3).(6-6).(3-3).......
......... Hoonsombalonga v redrebel12 (4-3).(6-4).(3-10).......
......... Unidentified Forest Obsessive v part_time_supporter (5-6).(6-3).(3-5).......
......... Redfor50yrs v foREVer irREVerent (4-3).(6-6).(13-3).......
......... Forest monkey v Sheriff of Nottm (5-8).(6-6).(3-3).......
......... Pundit v Super_Psycho (10-8).(6-3).(13-10).......
......... Maяcо ЇL Faптa$тїcо v Tricky-Tree-in-Texas (5-10).(4-6).(9-3).......

Round 13 .......28.........43......

......... Webboּ v Ja 606 (2-2).(10-1).(7-3).......
......... PayneNglory v Hoonsombalonga (1-8).(10-1)..(5-3)......
......... stillhatehooijdonk v Unidentified Forest Obsessive (2-2).(1-1).(3-3).......
......... redrebel12 v Redfor50yrs (1-3).(2-3).(9-4).......
......... part_time_supporter v Forest monkey (13-9).(3-4).(6-3).......
......... foREVer irREVerent v Pundit (5-5).(2-7).(3-4).......
......... Sheriff of Nottm v Maяcо ЇL Faптa$тїcо (3-3).(1-2).(3-4).......
......... Super_Psycho v Tricky-Tree-in-Texas (5-2).(9-1)..(3-3)......

Round 14 ......29..........44......

......... Hoonsombalonga v Webboּ (6-11).(3-6)........
......... Unidentified Forest Obsessive v Ja 606 (4-4).(3-3)........
......... Redfor50yrs v PayneNglory (8-8).(9-9)........
......... Forest monkey v stillhatehooijdonk (7-8).(3-3)........
......... Pundit v redrebel12 (4-6).(7-5)........
......... Maяcо ЇL Faптa$тїcо v part_time_supporter (8-8).(6-9)........
......... Tricky-Tree-in-Texas v foREVer irREVerent (5-7).(3-3)........
......... Super_Psycho v Sheriff of Nottm (5-4).(9-3)........

Round 15 .......30.......45........

......... Webboּ v Unidentified Forest Obsessive (11-5).(9-3)........
......... Hoonsombalonga v Redfor50yrs (7-7).(3-8)........
......... Ja 606 v Forest monkey (5-6).(3-3)........
......... PayneNglory v Pundit (3-6).(13-10)........
........ stillhatehooijdonk v Maяcо ЇL Faптa$тїcо (5-5).(3-8)........
......... redrebel12 v Tricky-Tree-in-Texas (8-3).(8-3)........
......... part_time_supporter v Super_Psycho (5-10).(9-5)........
......... foREVer irREVerent v Sheriff of Nottm (5-5).(3-3)........

posted on 5/8/14

I'm playing the guy who counts the scores in week 1!

I'm thinking I might get off the a slow start this year.

posted on 5/8/14

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posted on 5/8/14

Battle of the Expats first round hey

posted on 5/8/14

An SBD and a REV in the first two weeks,I've gave people worse,try antibiotics.

comment by (U18331)

posted on 5/8/14

Comment Deleted by Site Moderator

posted on 5/8/14

Having MILF around is enough to make the blackpool and yeovil playoff semi-finals seem like great memories


comment by Maяcо (U1329)

posted on 5/8/14

Let's just hope MILF doesn't embarrass all these tricky trees eh SBD.

posted on 5/8/14

We're nor worried MILF

posted on 6/8/14

Well you didn't last time

posted on 6/8/14

This makes it a lot more personal

I'll try not to be too triumphal when I beat my opponents

But more likely I'll be a gibbering wreck hiding in a corner

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