Obviously Malky is being hung out to dry for boyish japes sent privately. Now yes they are coarse n crude and if in public could be taken offensively. HOWEVER are we becoming a wee bit precious or did he cross the Shuggie Dallas line in the sand?
Thoughts gentlemen and ladies please!
Acceptable banter amongst friends
posted on 23/8/14
posted on 23/8/14
Yes and fluck the pope
Seriously though Malky was wrong but he's not said anything worse than I have
posted on 23/8/14
I think NHS is sick...
posted on 23/8/14
BTW...That wasn't me....
posted on 23/8/14
Everyone else seems to make the same jokes as Malky apart from me....?
Do the lot of you really look at a potential list of employees and say not many white faces in there but some may be worth looking at?
I don't mind passing around jokes but that doesn't even sound like a joke IMO... can't imagine it would be anything I would say, even for a joke...
But especially not on a work computer/phone
posted on 23/8/14
Do the lot of you really look at a potential list of employees and say not many white faces in there but some may be worth looking at?
Personally, I look at list of potential employees, and think, Which one(s) could do the best job
posted on 23/8/14
I'd hope so...
I am not saying that any judging of people whatsoever is wrong, I would look at the list and think fit, ugly, scary, posh ect. (not that it would influence my decision) but I can't ever imagine using a line like 'not many white faces in there but....'
posted on 23/8/14
posted on 23/8/14
You don't know what he was replying to it so without knowing the context, no one can judge him.
posted on 23/8/14
Malky will just quote 2pac - "only ghod can judge me"
this is the way we should all live our lives
unless your a single parent/unmarried mum/doleite/scrounging waster etc etc in which case Ive already judged you!