- Berbatov SOLD
- Modric SOLD
- van der vaart SOLD
- Bale SOLD
Just wait, in relation to Lloris, Levy is about to tell the media, "we will not be selling our best players under any circumstances"
And yet..
- Lloris SOLD
The last two parts of Operation Levy are surely?
- Vertonghen SOLD
And then finally...
- Eriksen SOLD
After that, the rest of them are so unrelentingly shitte for the most part that there is no-one left to sell to strengthen our Net Spend Title Challenge. We have won this 4 or 5 years a row and Levy is gunning for a 6th title.
Shame he didn't strengthen our challenge in that January transfer window when we were third place..but this competition is much more exciting. And we always win! Arsenal gave a tough run for a few years but Lloris should see us over the finish line.
And Chronic will be delighted our last decent defender [Vertonghen] has finally moved on and we can really concentrate on bagging 8th or 9th place, which is "about where we belong".
Here's the "professionals", Levy & Baldini . Soon there wont be anything left for them to destroy
Once Levy sells LLoris...
posted on 1/11/14
I didn't say for much though RC. I take your point on the stadium though. Rumblings in the city are we cannot raise the cash through usual means or get anywhere near the interest we can afford to pay. Depressing.
posted on 1/11/14
We can't compete with the big revenue clubs, because the stadium has a small capacity and the turn style wonga is pittance comparatively.
Ask yourself this: if someone offered you a cool £1 million for your missus, you'd say ...Good offer but nah...
But what if that person then says I'll add season ticket to WHL for you and all your mates?
Yes, as I thought
posted on 1/11/14
Bus parade for getting a draw at home to us?
I remember when you used to have bus parades for finishing above us in the league.
posted on 1/11/14
Agree with most of the article but saying 8th or 9th is where we belong isnt right.
finishing 6th is where we belong is my opinion.
Chelsea, City, United, Arsenal and Liverpool are ahead of us in terms of revenue, wages paid, stature etc.
posted on 1/11/14
i hope vertonghen is sold
and bring in someone who wants to play for spurs
posted on 1/11/14
Still got your Carling cup mug and video,you can add it to your negative transfer trophy.
posted on 1/11/14
didnt arsene invent the top 4 trophy?
posted on 1/11/14
I didn't mean to suggest we wont get the new stadium RC it just might cost a bit more...
posted on 1/11/14
didnt arsene invent the top 4 trophy?
Invent it.................He owns it.
posted on 1/11/14
Vertonghen can go and I hope we rip someone off for him, overrated and easily replaceable