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sony, microsoft, nintendo the future ?

With nintendo wii u floping and sony loosing money would a merger work . Maybe microsoft , apple or google could buy their gaming divisions . Wish nintendo would go 3rd party or merge great games but who cares about their consoles any more.

posted on 2/12/14

Your really going to throw the term fanboy around?

Please guys don't undermine your credibility, it's phrases like that which cause the stereotypical idea of a gamer as a pale acne ridden nerd, all I have done is refute your ascertation that Nintendo might need to off their console line.

First off my comments about being "in the black" is that profits from the sale of consoles accessories and games have net a profit equal to the the r and d costs of the consoles. Nintendo are the only ones to have done this, ps4 should easily break theirs too, considering how much they outsell the other platforms.

All Nintendo need are a profit on each gen, and they won't go out of business, this isn't Sega, where they had successive consoles destroyed by the nes/SNES/ps one, the gamecube scraped a profit, the wii I believe is now the most successful console financially, and the wii u has turned a profit relatively early, and without many of its big hitters. The "flop" label was dropped long ago, with the release of mario kart.

Sure Nintendo has its problems, lack of console bundles hamper sales

As for lack of third party support, it's not pandering to those companies that allows their r and d to be carried out at a substantially reduced cost to the other platforms, does it lose me choice of games on the wii u, yes, but who has just one console these days??

As I stated in the last post, Sony have said they make no money from 3rd party games, and part of that it's because the cost of producing a console with such an open architecture is prohibitive.

The black Friday sales are misleading, the xbox price was HALVED for one day, and console bundles were netting a bigger saving than they cost, it was a desperate attempt to shift boxes, so they can sell future games

As for refuting the sold boxes figures, they were taken from vgchartz yesterday. The figures are the same today, although don't include black Friday sales.

They are also, I agree, slow to release games, zelda being a prime example, but the long lead in time for these games are what makes them great, the games are a lot more polished, in depth and captivating than constant remakes of a fps IP. halo lost its charm after 3, (and 2 as a game was poor) because suddenly it became a cash cow and saturated the market, Its also available on the PC, negating any exclusivity to the xbox, the pc versions are always invariably better too, not least because it can be patched/updated easier. Zelda had two games on the last console, sadly I only expect one this time around, although the remastered wind waker is different enough, and it's been long enough (it's not like it was released last year, it's been 10...). To enjoy as a separate game.

Overall though a question was asked, what's next for Nintendo, and the answer is: business as usual, they have made another profitable console, that still has major games to deliver,

As for strength to strength wii u had more games in IGN (generally a pro Sony site) top games of last year, than the other consoles, it also has more in the most anticipated games of next year, and itches recently been re-arranged by them, from the worst console of the generation to the best.

As much as buyers of other consoles might wish Nintendo to flop. So they can get the great titles on other consoles, it simply won't happen, so I really would recommend picking up a 200 quid bundle with Mario kart and 3d world, and also checking out Nintendoland, which is a fun title, Zombiiu which costs about a tenner now, but is as good a zombie survival game as you will play, as well as many other good titles

The games are generally a little cheaper too (averages about £10 less at release, I'll buy wiiu games at close to release, ps4 games I wait untill they drop by about half before I purchase them.

posted on 2/12/14

Wow this got deep

posted on 2/12/14

I absolutely detest the term fanboy and cannot understand why people berate others for their choice in console.

I'd be tempted to get a Wii U but only in the future when the price has dropped a lot (in perspective I got a gamecube 4 years ago and hoovered up the mario/zelda games with it for 50 quid

Nintendo now really cater to the casual gamer and need to do something to change that, first thing would be to start offering people the choice to sit down and play games (ala mario kart with the controller)

posted on 2/12/14

Yeah fanboy is bottom of the barell Internet bilge

Well, the new controller does that, despite its initial appearance it's actually a really nice controller to use, it's comfortable, all buttons in easy reach, is incredibly light for its size and contents and fits really nicely in my (admittedly large) hands.

you also have the choice of the "pro" controllers, which are more mainstream.

I'm yet to meet anyone who uses the main tablet controller and after a short period of use doesn't like it, it is of course influenced by how the games use it too of course, but the screen adds a lot of nifty features in games, even of Nintendo haven't yet utilised it properly themselves. Third party games Zombiiu, mass effect 3, assassins creed, do make good use of it.

The wind waker hd is much more streamlined with the new controller, seeing as you can view all the maps, inventory etc from the game pad, rather than the pause screen. It rocks for multilayer on games too, Hyrule warriors for instance has the controller screen used by player on. And the tv by player two.

Wii u is well worth £200 with a game now! Especially compared to the prices of the other consoles and their (currently at least) vastly inferior catalogue of triple aaa games. (and i refuse to count any games you can buy on the last gen)

comment by RtM (U1097)

posted on 2/12/14


comment by RtM (U1097)

posted on 2/12/14

Can we quit with the ridiculously long winded posts of ridiculously one sided opinions that causes you to come off as a fanboy that i jokingly used the first time?

posted on 2/12/14

comment by RtM (U1097)
posted 5 minutes ago
Can we quit with the ridiculously long winded posts of ridiculously one sided opinions that causes you to come off as a fanboy that i jokingly used the first time?
<OK> beat me to making this exact point

posted on 3/12/14

I disagree that my opinions are one sided, as i said,i have more than one console, my preference (along with reviewers) is that the wii offers the best gaming experience so far in this generation.

I would say the one sided opinions only belong to those who resort to childish terms like "fanboy" because industry experts dont recognise their favourites as being worthwhile.

also your link is well out of date, january this year in fact, since then sales of the wii u have almost tripled.

the quoted number in the article being 2.8 million, the current total being 7.6million

in an earlier post i said, that the sales boom started with the release of its big hitters, Mario kart, Mario 3d world, Hyrule warriors, Wind waker HD and smash bros (whose figures are not in yet) it also has a few more upcoming releases

The other consoles are still only releasing last gen ports and 3rd party software, which is available on multiple platforms (including PC for the vast majority) as soon as they start releasing proper new gen games, im sure approval for the systems will shoot through the roof, i have a ps4, its fine, its just not got anything worthwhile yet, but it took the wii u a year for most of its best titles also

You should try staying more current

comment by RtM (U1097)

posted on 3/1/15


posted on 8/1/15

Interesting article, but it's just one man's narrow opinion.

He can't lable the gamepad a flop just because he hasn't played any of the games where it's used perfectly.

All features he suggests are implemented in games such as Zombiiu (ridiculous name, great game) and AC3. Among others, and with more titles coming, had he done some research or played some of the newer IP's he would know that article is redundant. We all know the gamepad won't work on high action games like smash and kart, it's only use in games where you can't drop your eyes for a second is as a supplementary screen. His criticism there is silly, the true criticism of the implementation on mario kart would be that if 1st player uses the gamepad as his screen, the split screen on the tv is not altered (give 2nd player full screen, or players 2/3 half screens, or indeed allow 5 players!!!!!

The fact he has only talked about playing the two major titles of the year undermines his argument, as does his statement that the only major title to come this year is zelda. Call of duty, fifa etc dident start as mainstream games, people bought them, they were remade and popularity grew, plenty of good games on the wiiu, already released and upcoming have that potential.

Also he makes the point that it's a supplemental system (not many people have it as their sole console, most will also have an xbox/ps) as a criticism and unfair to expect people to pay out for it. Which they don't expect anyone to do, it's a choice, and frankly if you can't afford a £200 console, why buy a £500 one!?! That seems fiscally irresponsible at best! Especially for forbes magazine.

Also, Nintendo themselves say they don't want to compete on power because it increases cost they want to win with gameplay (and they do) so it seems absurd to use the lack of power as a stick to beat them, they nailed their colours to wall from the off, they have not deceived anyone and in my opinion they are happy being the supplementary console and while it remains profitable to be so, they will continue

Regardless of the opinions of a forbes blogger, with serious holes in his argument

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