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Dickov Theory

I have a theory about why Mr Dickov is still the manager, but I need a little help to give it credence. How long is his contract for.

My reason for asking this is that the owners never got to where they are today being bad at business. They have money set aside for the club, but if they were to terminate Mr Dickov's contract that money would be wasted on paying him off.

They are happy to remain in Division One and will not give him the funds because they have no confidence in him spending it wisely.

So we are in a catch 22 situation until his contract expires.

posted on 17/12/14

I think all of those who want Dickov gone can whistle. It isn't going to happen if it hasn't happened by now.

Someone with such a poor track record would have and should have been shown the door some time ago. Not just as a football manager, but in any form of business. Hound, imagine a salesperson of yours with such abysmal figures, he wouldn't be with you now.

In that case I think we all have to put up with whatever happens, and for those of you who can get to games, figure out if you intend to do so next season if he is still here.

As a rider, the other person who should definitely be gone is Baldwin, God only knows what he does for his money, at least Dave ( forgotten his name) was into football.

posted on 17/12/14

Well Hound, you seem to have convinced people that the Board are to blame and in a sense, as they sit at the top of the pyramid, everything is their fault.

We must be the only club in the League where there is an element of serious fans who honestly believe that the manager is in no way responsible for his team’s failure.

Yet such is the concentration on why he is not at fault at all that those fans never feel obliged to list any quality that Dickov actually brings to the role.

SOD brought quality football and promotion.

Saunders brought effective football and results and a return to the Championship.

The thing that marks Dickov is nothing to do with football, it is his ability to talk a good fght and produce excuses for failure, none of which implicate him. That is the sum of his talents.

When Dickov was appointed it was against a background of the potential to succeed with minimal resources. He was not guaranteed the sort of funds that would come as a result of a takeover of any kind either in year 1 or in 2014. He was probably given the job because he appeared to be suited to making the most of minimal resources. He failed to deliver on those terms

Two seasons in succession he has relied on excuses.

The Board have not put massive funds into his hands, but by League 1 standards he has not had to manage on a shoestring; he has had money to sign players who should be competitive at this level, players who have proved their competence in the Championship.

He has failed and will continue to fail and it is sad, but true that he cannot instill in those he manages the very qualities that he brought to his own game.

Playing and managing are two very different skills and as is very apparent in the modern game good players do not automatically make good managers.

Dickov exempifies this. How much more evidence is needed to prove that he is unlikely ever be able to do the job and how much longer will he be allowed to wreck our club in the process?

posted on 18/12/14

Donaldo, i think you insult everyone on here by saying that i have convinced them that the board is to blame.

I would think that everyone on here is able to make their own mind up on that one.

posted on 18/12/14

My mind is made up. TB is not the owner we want and Dickov is not the Manager we need.

Lets hope Christmas brings us some joy on all fronts.

posted on 18/12/14

Do not trust the board, something not quite right.

Didn't want DickOff, thought he was shjt, unfortunately he's even worse than I originally thought.

Get hammered on Saturday, get beat by Coventry and if he's still here, you can kiss my arsse after the Peterborough game as I won't be going till he's @#$&ing gone.

posted on 18/12/14

Do not trust the board, something not quite right.

Didn't want DickOff, thought he was shjt, unfortunately he's even worse than I originally thought.

Get hammered on Saturday, get beat by Coventry and if he's still here, you can kiss my hairyarse after the Peterborough game as I won't be going till he's @#$&ing gone.

posted on 18/12/14

I still reiterate that someone WILL get a spanking soon. Trouble is one spanking doesn't make an orgy! And for that reason I fear we will be looking at bottom 6 not top 6, and if that is the case whilst PD is still in charge I won't be renewing my season ticket. There no longer seems to be any ambition either from the Manager or more importantly from the Board. I thought the atmosphere last Saturday was non existent. I sit and look around as to where we are now in comparison to other teams that were with us previously in League 1. As has been previously mentioned Swansea, Bournemouth, Brentford etc. At least they're giving it a go. I can't believe I even went to watch Rotherham the other week hoping for a bit of quality viewing (Rovers were away!)

posted on 18/12/14

A little birdy just told me McKay scored a hat-trick tonight in the 3-1 cup game win against Norwich. Anyone know if it's correct.

New we'd scored at least one cos I could hear the cheering in the back garden

posted on 18/12/14

Certainly true about the Cup win and McKay and the Youth team give us considerable hope. And how about this article from the Norwich camp? http://www.edp24.co.uk/sport/norwich-city-fc/norwich_city_must_justify_top_billing_in_fa_youth_cup_test_at_doncaster_1_3890458

They got their come-uppance.

Sadly back in the mainstream, DIckov epitomises where the club are... ... or more accurately are not right now.

Is this is due to neglect on the part of the Board or have they allowed themselves, in complacency, to be led by Dickov who is never short of a rationale to explain what has gone right or wrong?

Dickov, having sacked himself from Oldham, can hardly do so again here and expect to get another job, so the ball is in the Board's court. It has been there far too long.

With the exception of the CEO it seems unlikely, knowing what we do, that any other member of the Board has enough football knowledge to challenge Dickov on his methods beyond looking at results. It is not enough at this level given the standard of football in League 1 that you keep the manager on because his team "really look like scoring".

What are the Board thinking, are they thinking at all about how the club is being managed? He's still as confident as ever, still seemingly unwilling to really identify technical reasons why his team cannot win at home or even score more than the odd goal.

We are withering on the vine.

posted on 26/4/15

A flash back.
Not much has changed.

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