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Arsenal fans


posted on 1/1/15

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posted on 1/1/15

Hmm... you seem a bit... 'special'.

posted on 1/1/15

comment by There'sOnlyOneReds (U1721)
posted 6 seconds ago
comment by Lexington Sanchez 125.2 (U8879)
posted 57 seconds ago
comment by There'sOnlyOneReds (U1721)
posted 4 minutes ago
comment by Lexington Sanchez 125.2 (U8879)
posted 20 seconds ago
comment by There'sOnlyOneReds (U1721)
posted 23 seconds ago
comment by Lexington Sanchez 125.2 (U8879)
posted 1 minute ago
What's to be bitter about?

Quite enjoying reading you guys' laughable comments here.

Pray, continue...
You didn't answer my question and seem to have changed the subject. I wonder why.

You changed the subject first.

Hypocritical much?
I didn't. I kept with the theme, you didn't like it and ran away changing the subject. Bless. What's the matter? Tell uncle TOOR about it all.

What has European cup wins got to do with the subject in hand?
Let's give you a low down on the comment trail as you seem to have gone way off course:-

Arsenal fan(most likely RGK) runs onto the pitch in outrageous attack
I state Arsenal fans should be banned for five years for this disgraceful behaviour
You say you were banned from Europe for five years before
I ask you if you've won the European Cup before or after those five years.
You change the subject and run away.

Are you up to speed yet?

Need any more help?


All you've done there is highlight your own deviation from the subject.

Wanna try again?

posted on 1/1/15

comment by Lexington Sanchez 125.2 (U8879)
posted 4 seconds ago
comment by There'sOnlyOneReds (U1721)
posted 6 seconds ago
comment by Lexington Sanchez 125.2 (U8879)
posted 57 seconds ago
comment by There'sOnlyOneReds (U1721)
posted 4 minutes ago
comment by Lexington Sanchez 125.2 (U8879)
posted 20 seconds ago
comment by There'sOnlyOneReds (U1721)
posted 23 seconds ago
comment by Lexington Sanchez 125.2 (U8879)
posted 1 minute ago
What's to be bitter about?

Quite enjoying reading you guys' laughable comments here.

Pray, continue...
You didn't answer my question and seem to have changed the subject. I wonder why.

You changed the subject first.

Hypocritical much?
I didn't. I kept with the theme, you didn't like it and ran away changing the subject. Bless. What's the matter? Tell uncle TOOR about it all.

What has European cup wins got to do with the subject in hand?
Let's give you a low down on the comment trail as you seem to have gone way off course:-

Arsenal fan(most likely RGK) runs onto the pitch in outrageous attack
I state Arsenal fans should be banned for five years for this disgraceful behaviour
You say you were banned from Europe for five years before
I ask you if you've won the European Cup before or after those five years.
You change the subject and run away.

Are you up to speed yet?

Need any more help?


All you've done there is highlight your own deviation from the subject.

Wanna try again?
Wow, you've went and done it again. Are you extra hurt today, is that it?

Shall I help you out again?

Comment trail:-

Arsenal fan(most likely RGK) runs onto the pitch in outrageous attack
I state Arsenal fans should be banned for five years for this disgraceful behaviour
You say you were banned from Europe for five years before
I ask you if you've won the European Cup before or after those five years.
You change the subject and run away.

Now read it carefully this time, it's really not that difficult.

posted on 1/1/15

Seems to be preeeeetty difficult for you.

Again, what have European wins got to do with anything I wrote?

You seem to be struggling under the weight of your own hypocrisy.

posted on 1/1/15

comment by Lexington Sanchez 125.2 (U8879)
posted 4 seconds ago
Seems to be preeeeetty difficult for you.

Again, what have European wins got to do with anything I wrote?

You seem to be struggling under the weight of your own hypocrisy.
Wow. You're a little slow. I didn't realise I was talking to a very special boy. My apologies. If you could give your carer your keyboard, I'll just talk to him and we can sort this all out, little buddy.

posted on 1/1/15

You can't answer the question, so out come the (ahem) 'insults'.

Mummy's bwave little soldier

posted on 1/1/15

Arsenal had a great side 1988/89.

What might have been...

posted on 1/1/15

comment by Lexington Sanchez 125.2 (U8879)
posted 14 seconds ago
You can't answer the question, so out come the (ahem) 'insults'.

Mummy's bwave little soldier

comment by Beeb (U1841)

posted on 1/1/15

It's all gone a bit Playschool.

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