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Park Chu Young + asian players

On the news that we have signed/are vey very close to signing park chu young, i decided to ask a few of my korean mates what they thought of him, and quite honestly the outlook is good.
They say that for the reported 2.5 mill (who knows what it really is) he is a steal and that he will be a great back up for van persie, and has the potential to start above arshavin if his form continues. One said that he was by far and away their best player, whereas the other said that he was their best player alongside chung young lee.

Hes also the south korean captain, so he should add some mental strength and i imagine that he will try his heart out like park jisung does, although he is much more technically gifted.

From what i've seen his dribbling style slightly reminds me of Na$ri at times, in the way that he uses his body to cut in, and opens his body to finish. He also likes to try the flicks that arshavin does, and will be able to give us another option from set pieces.

However, the main point i want to make is that Wenger appears to be looking more and more at asia for signing players. Although the more cyical might say that this is a marketing ploy, which is a valid point, i am of the firm belief that he has identified Japan as the new power base of football. I might be biased in that I am half japanese myself, but think about it. Japan has always had skillfull players, but the main thing holding them back has always been their lack of size. they were quick enough, they could do all the flicks, but they were always bullied off the ball. Players like Nakata (the greatest asian footballer of all time), Nakamura, Ono, Nagatomo, and recently Honda, Kagawa and morimoto have all shown that japan has recently being producing good players. As the game becomes more and more strict in regards to what you can do to attackers in terms of tackling and whatnot, i think japan will flourish, and can see them winning a world cup before england does. They have some of the most successfull youth teams, who are not as inhibited by their size as the senior team are, their womens team are World Champions, and I dont think it will be too long beore Japan become successful too. The fact that Miyachi has come so far from high school football in such a short period of time is testament to the fact that japan have some young players coming through.

Anyway, my point is that Wenger already has much respect in Japan for what he did with Grampus 8, and the fact that he is starting to sign asian players and give them a chance in the premiership is only going to make arsenal a more popular club for young asian players to go to, which will help our hand in signing players from what i believe is one of the future powerhouses of football.

also, AOC cost around 5-8 mill, rising to 15 million in addons, not 15 million up front . Its really annoying me how people are saying he cost that much upfront, and jenkinson only cost 1 milion, not 8!
all we have to do now is sign Melo and albiol and i will be verry happy indeed

comment by (U8157)

posted on 28/8/11

I have to say that I was impressed with the Asian teams that were in the recent World Cup. It will be interesting to see how well they do in the future!

posted on 28/8/11

Asian football definitely has a good future, big fan of kagawa especially. Most asian players have a good attitude towards football and always work hard to help the team succeed I have noticed.

comment by El Cap. (U9537)

posted on 28/8/11

if we'd spent 20m on park, people would be applauding wenger and coming out saying that he's the top quality player we need. the fact that the fee is only 3m is why the reaction has been negative. people need to realise that you dont always have to pay the big bucks to sign big players. theres always a bargain here and there, and who knows, maybe park can be that bargain.

posted on 28/8/11

Exactly, the thing is that he can't be any worse than Chamakh!

posted on 28/8/11

another dodgy potential signing, guess rvp must be shaking in his boots at having some competition.

Asian players in epl are just marketing machines plain & simple how many asian players are ripping it up in EPL. None.

comment by Tu Meke (U3732)

posted on 28/8/11

er, if wenger paid 20 mill for park i'd kill him.

posted on 28/8/11

Thanks for your input on Asian players, I'm big fan of Japanese and Korea football teams they're technically on par with countries like Spain, Brazil, Argentina etc. I likely Ryo Miyaichi, I believe he will take the PL by storm. Hopefully, he stays with us forever loyal to the core.

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