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The 606 Juice Bar

Well, we are a sports forum and as such we have our fair share of exercisers. From the guy wheezing away on the treadmill to the preening selfie merchants in front of all the mirrored surfaces.

There’s regular chat about food, weight loss and so forth on the main boards. It was suggested to me by a fellow 606er that we might create a general thread to share our goals, our hopes and dreams, our sessions, our inestimably vast exercise and physiology knowledge, and, most exciting of all, our favourite muscle building / fat burning recipes.

So come one, come all, to the ja606 gym thread. We welcome those of all levels of knowledge and ability. Get your questions answered by some of the most knowledgeable exercise enthusiasts and professionals on the entire weightlifting board. Or, if you know best, come and shout loudest about the study which showed that blah blah blah.

Three house rules. Any mentions of personal best bench presses will get you a lifetime ban. Tops must be worn at all times on the gym floor. And, no shooting up in the toilets please. This is a respectable establishment.

comment by TCW (U6489)

posted on 28/1/24


posted on 28/1/24

comment by tcw (U6489)
posted 1 minute ago
comment by Vorsprung durch Poch (U1641)
posted on 13/11/23
Going on a dirty bulk fellas for Winter Arc

3000 calories a day. Myfitness app sorted. Loading up scotch eggs, full fat Greek yoghurt and sausage rolls in Tesco. Gym signed up. JD. New shores. Decent punani. But focus remains. X3 a week. See if I can put on around 6kg by Feb
How it gk
its Feb on Thursday

comment by TCW (U6489)

posted on 28/1/24

That's why I'm asking..

posted on 28/1/24


thort he posted that 2day

posted on 1/2/24

I’m lagging behind my goal and I’ve probably only put on about 4kg
But I’m enjoying the bulk and feeling , I’ll probably continue till summer, then time to start leaning and doing cardio unfortunately as I’d be climbing Kilamamjaro 6 months after

posted on 1/2/24

comment by Vorsprung durch Poch (U1641)
posted 3 hours, 27 minutes ago
I’m lagging behind my goal and I’ve probably only put on about 4kg
But I’m enjoying the bulk and feeling , I’ll probably continue till summer, then time to start leaning and doing cardio unfortunately as I’d be climbing Kilamamjaro 6 months after
Good man/woman

comment by TCW (U6489)

posted on 20/2/24

Been working on muscle ups, it's always been a blind spot for me and cause I've got a history of shoulder issues I just left it alone. But after a month of Elastic assisted training I've progressed to the full move and it feels good. Kind of need a new goal soon, thinking maybe hand stand - another one I've half assedly worked on in the past but never reached my goal.

Anyone got any experience developing a hand stand?

posted on 20/2/24

impressive tcw. Something I worked towards many years ago but just couldnt do it with my other training. Very bottom heavy at the time due to football and squats etc. Could do about 12-15 strict pull ups but just either didn't have the flexibility or that shoulder mobility/strength to do it.

Hand stand...something i've always just been able to do from mucking about as a kid in the garden, walking on my hands etc...just throw yourself into it. Probably more technique/balance than strength involved in a hand stand.

comment by TCW (U6489)

posted on 20/2/24

Doing the elastic assisted version helped a tonne with getting the muscle memory and confidence to rotate my shoulders efficiently. That technical aspect was holding me back, doing a deep dip and a pull up isn't super difficult for a lot of gym goers but the transition can be daunting.

comment by Tu Meke (U3732)

posted on 21/2/24

My shoulders were absolutely fooked a few years ago, nothing doctors did really helped. Started training them with bands and my issues cleared up. Underrated exercise equipment

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