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PT Demo taken down

The news of the PT demo being removed from PSN is old news but up until now if you had it in your download list you could download it even if you had deleted it, that is no longer the case.

If you delete it from your hard drive it's gone for good, a brilliant demo and a crying shame for those that missed out

comment by RtM (U1097)

posted on 9/5/15

such a troll

posted on 9/5/15

RtM thats all you do, you say nothing constructive and your opinion matters little to me, I don't take you seriously but then I think you already realise that

posted on 9/5/15

Amiga vs RtM. The war rages on.

posted on 9/5/15

Although I often argue with Amiga he is spot on in this case. The whole video game world is in mourning due to the loss of this amazing demo, that people have even likened it to a free episode people would pay for normally. And rtm sorry to say but you are looking in the tiny minority here, ever website I have read have made a good half a dozen stories around this demo, and with the what is looking to be sad collapse of one of video games goliaths.

comment by RtM (U1097)

posted on 9/5/15

The sad part is Kojima pulling out. If the demo wasnt a true reflection on what the game was goi to produce then how is it great beyond providing hype? Another point would be Silent Hill itself has been average to poor for the past decade or so. I doubt the new gen wouldve given it much more than a visual boost regardless of how much I wish they would succeed.

So once again, despite creating hype for a dying series and showing gameplay that would be different than used in the series PT was more of a circus trick to garner attention and sales while playing the mystery card.

posted on 9/5/15

So a brilliant demo and a great experiece cannot be appreciated by those playing it? It only becomes relevant if it has some gameplay link to the game it's revealing, what nonsense

the fact it was a brilliant reveal for a new Silent Hill being produced by two huge names in gaming was icing on the cake and had a lot of gamers myself included looking forward to seeing what they would create, sadly that now won't happen and a lot of gamers were hugely disapointed to hear that news.

It's sad the brilliant demo had to go with it

comment by RtM (U1097)

posted on 9/5/15

Whats up, Shrek?

Yes I feel a misleading demo takes away from things. A demo is exactly that. A DEMONSTRATION OF THE GAME TO COME. I hope you get that. By your logic I could release a short demo of GTA V and then release and action/adventure game called Turok because it creates hype.

I dont know maybe Im old fashioned in think a demo should show me what I will be paying for in the future if I decide to pay for it.

Oh see what im doing here? Speaking for myself. Not "Thousands of gamers" like you seem to do.

posted on 9/5/15

misleading, you had no idea what the demo was about till the end and when you reached it, it told you it wasnt anything to do with the game just a reveal.

As for the thousands of gamers, Are you seriously suggesting this demo went viral because I was the only one who enjoyed it?

posted on 9/5/15

comment by RtM @(・●・)@ (U1097)
posted 12 minutes ago
Whats up, Shrek?

Yes I feel a misleading demo takes away from things. A demo is exactly that. A DEMONSTRATION OF THE GAME TO COME. I hope you get that. By your logic I could release a short demo of GTA V and then release and action/adventure game called Turok because it creates hype.

I dont know maybe Im old fashioned in think a demo should show me what I will be paying for in the future if I decide to pay for it.

Oh see what im doing here? Speaking for myself. Not "Thousands of gamers" like you seem to do.
Sorry rtm you clearly have no idea what the demo was intended for, I suggest you go do some research as you are so far from the mark its laughable, and your comparison is stupid. Whether you like Amiga or not based on his "fanboism", you seem to be letting this get to you a little too much and taking it maybe a little too personally.....

comment by RtM (U1097)

posted on 9/5/15

Simon? educate me then

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