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Article Rating 2.33 Stars

Sterling is a nothing player

He's another English hypejob, no different to guys like Zaha, Lennon, Young etc when they first broke through. He has very little talent, he reminds me of Nathan Dyer a lot, very similar style and similar level of player. He has no end product, but he's fast, that's about it. He's the English Gervinho, with far less talent.

Honestly if I were a Liverpool fan, I'd be delighted with him leaving. Sturridge, Coutinho and even that Ibe kid are far better players.

posted on 21/5/15

"Well you thought Downing should join us, so excuse everyone if nobody cares about your opinion."

Pete going in. Bit harsh though mate.

posted on 21/5/15

Oh. So you're not Pete?

posted on 21/5/15

As for Sterling. Good player. Nothing special. And was bemused at people who were claiming he was as good as the likes of Hazard and Sanchez in the beginning of the season.

posted on 21/5/15

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posted on 21/5/15

comment by DubbedTheNewWenger90 (U19529)
posted 1 minute ago
Oh. So you're not Pete?
I wish I was that Scottish ginger mess, but alas I'm not.

How are you Dubbed pal?

posted on 21/5/15

I'm good lads. Been a while.

posted on 21/5/15

Watched all of Henry's youtube videos yet?


posted on 21/5/15

"Lol you hate Ozil, you're as bad as Pete."

Ozil is a bigger fraud than Frank Abagnale

posted on 21/5/15

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comment by TBE (U20300)

posted on 21/5/15

Your dead wrong, for ehat I have seen, Raheem is one of the best young players in whole world let alone Europe, his tenacity alone makes me drool, get him Wenger and make him the new TH14✒️✒️

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