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Article Rating 3.67 Stars


Unbelievable, our best manager since MON and he has been sacked. I cannot fathom why, he was being well backed in the market and was seemingly building for next season.

Maybe it was something to do with his son being sacked. Realistically who can we get in to replace him? Big Sam, 'Arry? What a backwards move

comment by fatfox (U4031)

posted on 1/7/15

"Nigel should of sacrificed his son to show there was no favorism and everyone is treated equally."

Er… but that's exactly what happened. All three were ditched. There was no favouritism.

posted on 1/7/15


posted on 1/7/15

comment by fatfox (U4031)
posted 1 hour, 47 minutes ago
"Nigel should of sacrificed his son to show there was no favorism and everyone is treated equally."

Er… but that's exactly what happened. All three were ditched. There was no favouritism.
I wonder if he actually defended all 3 being very loyal to his players, this would explain the term used in the statement about different perspectives?

posted on 1/7/15

Comment Deleted by Site Moderator

posted on 2/7/15

Oh the irony

posted on 2/7/15

We're still better than you!!

posted on 2/7/15

"OOA why don't you fooook off back to your own board you stupid little twaaaat!"

Arro say what you mean please i don't get what you are trying to say to OOA ?

posted on 2/7/15

I always say what I mean Nev, you know that 😉👍

posted on 2/7/15

Who do you want Nev?

posted on 2/7/15

Guss or Moyes for me i don't think who ever comes in will do anymore dismantling of the existing Squad than NP would of had to do this season to turn us into a full premiership quality team.

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