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Hamer on loan

Hi all you know the season is close as Super is back so we can get this party going again!!!

So Ben Hamer has signed on loan which sorts out the problem we had for an experienced back up for Dorus. Will be interesting to see now who will get the number 1 shirt .

I will be honest I do not know much about the lad except he did pretty well when Kasper was out for a few games last season so would be interested to hear the Foxes' views on him (Blackstarr is normally a good source if you are still out there?). Also views of the Forest lot, who do you think should be number 1 as I do not understand the criticism of Dorus who I think is a better keeper then Darlow and should have been our no.1 last season.


Also on another note who the hell keeps supplying Dougie with those shirts, they are disgusting???!!!

posted on 25/7/15

Hopefully he produces the goods for us then.

Thanks for the info.

P.S I do not see you lot as our rivals and so this is why we are able to have a civil chat compared to the barbarity of the sheep's behaviour

posted on 25/7/15

Super....agreed. Coventry however is a whole different ball game....we hate them.

posted on 26/7/15

Hate is such a negative emotion.

I can't bring myself to hate the lesser teams in the midlands

posted on 26/7/15

I hate Forest but that's because during the 80's we did hate each other. I remember us losing 3-2 at home and Ian Bowyer scored the winner. I can't remember the other goals but I remember the aftermath of his winner vividly.

Forest fans were in Pen 2 and Leicester fans were climbing over from Pen 3. We did hate each other at then and the feeling was definitely mutual. Pretty much every song we sang was about hating Forest. I accept things are different now but I will always hate Forest.

I don't care less about Coventry, we barely considered them rivals in the 80's and I don't ever remember feeling the hatred in the streets like I did when we played Forest and then later Derby. I've never had that feeling from Cov.

posted on 26/7/15

I also agree with BS. Kasper is a better all round keeper, no doubt about that. Hamer should be playing and I'd rather let him play and have someone else in at no.2 instead of Schwarzer who is garbage now.

posted on 26/7/15

As you know if it wasn't for his poor kicking i think he's better than Kapser give the defence confidence and does mean we can play 442 rather than three the back to protect Kasper.

I think CR knows who he wants to sign as the third keeper this season ......guess whos resigning?

posted on 26/7/15

Chris Weale?

posted on 26/7/15

Conrad Logan. The world's greatest 3rd keeper.

posted on 26/7/15

No wait......it's got to be Rab Douglas

posted on 26/7/15

Mersey nothing gets past you mate.

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