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Article Rating 2.14 Stars

Hargreaves the traitor and souless City

First of all, I must admit I thought the Hargreaves to City rumours yesterday that have now come to fruition were a wind up. But having had time to digest my feelings and the thoughts of others I have the following comments.

1. Hargreaves has every right to seek a new club after United effectively said thanks but no thanks. However, the City deal has no class on many levels. Unfortunately this deal epitimises the modern footballer and in my opinion brings in to question - yet again - my own love for the game football. I have followed United all my life and was fortunate enough - through my Grandad - to have been educated in United's history from Duncan Edwards and the Busby babes, through Best, Charlton and Law, through the baron years, to the advent of the Premier League and these treasured years Sir Alex has delivered. But what we see more and more now is these well paid professionals who are essentially out for what's best for them, who have no respect for the fans of these much loved institutions who pay them. Hargreaves is free to go where he likes and United didn't want him any more but to go to City, the supposed biggest rivals of United, when United have paid his wages and medical fees for the last three years is out of order and I don't wish him all the best. Because what these footballers lose track of is it's not just about Sir Alex and the United board, it's about the fans. The fans who supported Owen through all his injuries, who wanted him to come back and wear a United shirt and still did right up until he left. What fools we were. And in a way I suppose it's good he did go because yet again we see the modern footballer for what they are - self motivated individuals chasing the next big pay packet.

2. From a City perspective I actually feel sorry for them and would be interested to seek a balanced Man City fans view. The deal has absolutely no class at all. Yes, it's annoyed many United fans but I doubt that annoyance is motivated by anything much more than what I have detailed in point one - a valid argument I feel. What I fail to understand is how City expect to ever have any depth when they persist with shallow signings and policies. United have history, Liverpool have history and we are both fortunate to have managers at the helm who will go down as legends. Not every team is as fortunate but they still retain class. In this instance I can only speak of Everton because that's where my comparison is moving. But under no circumstances would Liverpool or the fans entertain or welcome an Everton reject just to get one over their neighbours. Say, Tim Cahill spent the next three years injured and Everton decided to let him go, there is just no way Liverpool would sign him. And if they did the Liverpool fans wouldn't swallow it. Why? Because they care about their club and the rivalries and passion they have for their club mean that shallow signings like that wouldn't sit right. Of course with City that's different and the fans are very much in the hands of the billionaire owners who are playing games with those fans clubs. What's sad is that the fans buy in to it though. At the same time showing their lack of soul.

3. The final observation is where football is in general. I feel fortunate to support a club that has money, history and success and wonder about fans of clubs like Villa, Everton etc who have to put up season on season with players using their club as a vehicle. I know this has happened for years but never has it been more prevelant. We all support these clubs, invest our hard earned money in paying for Sky subscriptions, going to the games, buying the shirt, when the reality is we are just making the players, board etc richer. And do they care about us? The simple answer is no. Football is about money and there is no time for sentiment when money is involved. Rooney is a prime example at the club I support and I'm not naieve enough to not realise that this time last year he was a Hargreaves in waiting, holding out club to ransom. Now we cheer his goals and United's success but fans like me don't cheer as loud. We know what football is and where it is going but still we watch. Why? Because we are passionate about this game, we grew up watching football in the eighties when it was still a working mans game and the players played for the fans and we hope those days will come back. They won't though. Not while the money men run the game and make average players who can't get in the first team millionaire's. I remember United losing a game last season and a mate textng me after the final whistle something along the lines of, " Gutted after that defeat. Wonder if the eleven multi millionaires wearing the shirt feel as bad?" They don't. And why should they? Personally I'd love the money to fall out of the game, for all these merecenaries to be left earning a realistic wage and to actually have to earn their living and respect those who pay them.

posted on 31/8/11

I agree with the OP, it's really bad form on Hargreaves part, to leave looking to play regular football, he signs for city a team with about 6 class players in that position already!?!?
Personally I would have loved to see him sign for Arsenal or go back abroad but I guess when you release a player he can do what he wants!

posted on 31/8/11

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comment by (U10436)

posted on 31/8/11

I suppose in the truest sense of the word Owen Hargreaves is a United reject. And if City want our rejects then it shows what high esteem they hold us in, something Mancini never forgets to mention. I stand by hoping he never plays again but will filter it with more substance. I hope he never plays anywhere near to the standard he once was. Which I'm sure he won't. Hargreaves strengths were his non stop running and harrowing of opponents. I fear with knees as good as my great grandma those strengths will have diminished. In Sir Alex we trust.

comment by Sid (U1868)

posted on 31/8/11

comment by (U10436)

Because I for one hope he breaks down and never kicks a football again.


That is a terrible comment to make, how can you wish for somebody to recieve a career ending injury just because you dont agree with their career move?

I am quite frankly disgusted that you can view any player of any club, let alone a former player of your own club, in such a way.

posted on 31/8/11


well said fella

comment by Sid (U1868)

posted on 31/8/11

Cheers pal

comment by (U10436)

posted on 31/8/11

Less of the backslapping and please take time to read the article Sid. A career ending injury is not what I was wishing for. I'm hoping he never returns to anything like his former self and his career as a top flight player is finished. Because if it isn't then we have made a huge mistake letting him go. Considering a fit Hargreaves is what United's midfield has been crying out for for years.

comment by Sid (U1868)

posted on 31/8/11

You are very bitter, not going to bother debating with you if you have such an attitude toward any player. Im out of this one

comment by (U10436)

posted on 31/8/11

I'll end this discussion the way I started it then - as the victor. I do find peoples assumption that I'm bitter tiresome though. It's an opinion I have and thankfully we live in a society where we are all entitiled to one. Owen Hargreaves has done nothing wrong and I'm sure he'll sleep soundly tonight and not give us United fans a seconds thought. I can live with that. But in my mind he's just as bad as Tevez and anyone with half a brain would have realised that leaving the club that's supported you and paid you for nothing for the last three years deserves some respect. Loyalty and decency should still prevail in football but Owen has ignored that. What will he be left with? United fans won't hold him any esteem after this and his only chance with City fans is to give them some happy moments. The chances of that are slim with his injury record. At least he has his bank balance though. The sole motivation of 99.9% of footballers. And anyone who believes otherwise seriously has lost credibility.

posted on 31/8/11

(U10436): "If he plays against United he should be booed and I shall boo with those that do. Those that don't can keep their mouths shut as is their right"

You may indulge in your right to keep your idiot trap shut, but as I am no idiot I will indulge in my right to tell all you hypocritical ans hysterical boo-boys what idiots you are.
I have complete faith that in the event Hargreaves does return to OT with City that a) No-one will be breaking anyone's leg (what an asinine thing for you to say) and that b) you and your mindless ilk will be in the minority.

"Because I for one hope he breaks down and never kicks a football again"

Thank you for that comment; it leaves no-one in any doubt as to how contemptible you are and relieves me of any necessity to continue this dialogue.

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