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Have we ever had a Gerrard?

Whenever Liverpool were struggling in the last 10 years, Gerrard would be looked to to make something happen. A player who could be a true match winner.

I think Drogba is the only player that Chelsea have had in recent years who was such a driving force. Someone who was able to take a game and make it their own.

When you look at our squad now, do you think there's anyone in it that could turn our season or even just a game around?

It's a shame because a few years ago Fabregas was definitely doing it at Arsenal - could it do it again? Based on this year, no.

Any thoughts?

posted on 15/12/15

Essien in his prime - better than Lamps or Stevie mee IMO

posted on 15/12/15

yeah he played the same position as those two..

posted on 15/12/15

More or less yes, he'd play in goal if you asked him.

As a CM for me he was a beast, he'd get box to box with more energy than either of them!

posted on 15/12/15

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posted on 15/12/15

Hazard can win games on his own. But he hasn't been @rsed this season

posted on 15/12/15

comment by #4zAwakens (U19575)
posted 18 minutes ago

would love to have seen Gerard n Lampard play together

they wuddabeen unstoppable

Take it you didn't watch England very often then?

posted on 15/12/15

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posted on 15/12/15

If you had, you'd realise just how wrong you were

comment by IAmMe (U18491)

posted on 15/12/15

Gerrard and Essien were both head and shoulders above Lampard.

Gerrard was a diamond in a less than average squad.

Lampard was a lot less than average in a squad full of diamonds.

simple really.

posted on 16/12/15

Funny how Lampard managed to out score most of those diamonds then!!

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