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Had an earlier article about Hargreaves being a traitor and not respecting the rivalry between the two clubs shot down and it got me thinking about other clubs and my feelings towards them.

Liverpool - the big rival and one I couldn't stand coming back as a threat. Having said that I respect their history, the passion their fans have and feel with Dalglish at the helm they have close to what we have with Sir Alex - a man who understands the club and has its best interests at heart.

Chelsea - A nothing club that has was rescued from obscurity by a Russians billions. Can't respect them because they've changed their manager so many times it's like the boss is only interested in acquiring the champions league and has no idea how to build a club and a history. Am actually glad City have come along and shown them to be what they've always been. Money and no class.

Arsenal - Couldn't stand them a few years ago but that's when they were a threat. Now they aren't I warm to Wenger's ideals and the way he trys to get his team playing. Bottom line is they aren't a threat though.

Spurs - Harry is a likeable bloke, although I'd never trust him to run United. As a team I they are probably on the decline and won't make any headway this season. Would be nice if they did though, if only to nudge out one of our more reviled rivals.

Man City - genuinely never thought much of them. Yes they play in the same City but they've been so mediocre for so long that it's hard to take notice. However, with the money being pumped in it's probably time to sit up and take notice? I can see them threatening us for the league at some point in the near future and with the players they have they are will equipped for Europe. I find Mancini inoffensive though and maybe that's something they need to look at to build a real rivalry. Mourinho in his Chelsea prime would definately push them up their.

So in view of the above, in order of who I like the most.

1. Spurs
2. Arsenal
3. Man City
4. Chelsea
5. Liverpool

As for who is the biggest threat, probably Man City. Which actually makes me feel more relaxed because I can't see them winning the league. You've got to have experienced run in to have a good chance of winning it.

posted on 31/8/11

1. Spurs
2. Arsenal
3. Liverpool
4. Chelsea
5. City

posted on 31/8/11

Chelsea - A nothing club that has was rescued from obscurity by a Russians billions. Can't respect them because they've changed their manager so many times it's like the boss is only interested in acquiring the champions league and has no idea how to build a club and a history. Am actually glad City have come along and shown them to be what they've always been. Money and no class


The laziest opinion I have ever seen. How old are you, seriously?

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