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Just a second

I have read that Arteta has signed for Arsenal after changing his mind an hour before the window closed leaving Moyes I suppose feeling despondent and disappointed but what can we do, he had a change of heart at the last moment leaving us no time to bring in a replacement and there was no point in keeping a player who’s heart wasn’t in it bla bla bla.
So in ONE hour he rushes to have a medical. Then he, his agent, his solicitor, Wenger, Arsenal’s chairman and their solicitors all get together and amazingly hammer out this contract in less than an hour when most long term contracts take months AN HOUR! Come on we may be thick as two short planks but don’t treat us with contempt. This has as much subtlety as a house brick in a sock. Do the board and Moyes, YES MOYES, think we really are that gullible. Do you really think that the board would sell two first team players without Moyes say so? No chance. Neville who is so far past his sell by date, Moyes yes man, has a go at the supporters for voicing their fears and gets a two year contract. If they wanted to save money why not get rid of him and Cahill another one past his best telling the fans to trust good old brave Bill. No sorry I do not believe this crud for a second. I will get slagged off for this but just like the board I could not care less my son has now seen another so called footballing hero sodding off.

posted on 1/9/11


posted on 1/9/11

At least 2.

comment by (U5282)

posted on 1/9/11

He is right though!

posted on 1/9/11

If you had listened to the radio all last night, you may have learned that the news of his request like that of the Liverpool player was only passed to the news agencies one hour before the "Deadline". It is naive to think that all this took place in an hour. We, the club, were obviously in negotiation for some time.
Arteta's medical records were supplied to Arsenal and i have no doubt that there will be some insurance conditions attached.
Finally,The Bank is going to get the money anyway so stop bleating about not having any time to buy someone else.
Get it into your head. We are not a buying club at the moment. Just get on with it and support your club.

posted on 1/9/11

The respective clubs had to agree to the transfer of the players registration before 11pm for the deal to be allowed. If this had been done the transfer will stand.
The rest of the paperwork will be done today.

Sky sports where stating this all night!

posted on 1/9/11

Move was off and then on again.

When he comes out to state the club should retain it best player, to then move on deadline day is harsh.

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