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Atkinson and Clattenberg, the Best?

Both these refs are going to the Euros,based on yesterdays performances, if they are the best then the rest must be abysmal
Atkinson was so influenced by the Arsenal crowd we knew he would go over the top with his decisions. If he refs like that in the Euros then it will end up 6 a aside.
Clattenburg adopted the new hand ball rule, if your not sure then give Spurs a penalty.
The 3 biggest games of the season , both results influenced by the refs.

posted on 17/2/16

comment by puffinthebushkangaroo2 (U20236)
posted 18 hours, 35 minutes ago
Often the case that refs make a decision (Vardy conned him by falling over Monreal's leg WHICH DID NOT MOVE, so cannot be a foul) which they later rethink and try to even up the score.
No ref who gave that penalty is good enough to go to Euros
Are you for real? Monreal's lef didn't move? I think you need to watch this again!!


He quite clearly stretched his leg out and his foot caught Vardy's ankle which is a foul because he missed the ball and made contact with the player. Vardy then went into him to make sure but the foul had already been committed.

Penalty all day long!

posted on 17/2/16

The more you watch it the more blatant it is.

I also watched the Mahrez shout again and not a penalty, his rear leg put him off but made no contact so two correct decisions but for some reason the ref still felt he needed to even things up.

I agree not good enough for the Euro's though.

posted on 17/2/16

comment by Merseysidefox (U4842)
posted 22 hours, 23 minutes ago
* thinks that isn't a penalty. Stupid phone.
That is YOUR OPINION, many people disagree. To me it was obvious. Monreal's leg doesn't move, he didnt even attempt a tackle, please explain how that can be a foul ? The "coming together" was all Vardy's doing.

posted on 17/2/16

comment by puffinthebushkangaroo2 (U20236)
posted 1 hour, 55 minutes ago
comment by Merseysidefox (U4842)
posted 22 hours, 23 minutes ago
* thinks that isn't a penalty. Stupid phone.
That is YOUR OPINION, many people disagree. To me it was obvious. Monreal's leg doesn't move, he didnt even attempt a tackle, please explain how that can be a foul ? The "coming together" was all Vardy's doing.
Did you watch the video again? It's absolutely blatant that he stretched his leg out and stamped down on Vardy's foot/ankle. Plain as day!

comment by Chronic (U3423)

posted on 17/2/16

posted on 17/2/16

Stamped on Vardy's foot? What game did you watch? It was no penalty. Vardy isn't a diver but he conned the ref there. It's squeaky but time now so players will do anything to win. There's no shame in admitting it wasn't a pen.

posted on 17/2/16

comment by puffinthebushkangaroo2 (U20236)
posted 8 hours, 52 minutes ago
comment by Merseysidefox (U4842)
posted 22 hours, 23 minutes ago
* thinks that isn't a penalty. Stupid phone.
That is YOUR OPINION, many people disagree. To me it was obvious. Monreal's leg doesn't move, he didnt even attempt a tackle, please explain how that can be a foul ? The "coming together" was all Vardy's doing.

My opinion and 99.9% of other people's opinion also. Including all pundits that analysed the game.

But keep believing and it will be true. Santa is real as well you know.

posted on 17/2/16

comment by MambatheRedinOz (U1282) (U13041)
posted 8 hours, 30 minutes ago
Stamped on Vardy's foot? What game did you watch? It was no penalty. Vardy isn't a diver but he conned the ref there. It's squeaky but time now so players will do anything to win. There's no shame in admitting it wasn't a pen.
Watch the YouTube video again!!!!


This is as blatant as you can get. Monreal stretches his right leg out and if you freeze frame you can see his studs up making contact and as he stamps his foot down he catches Vardy's right foot. Penalty all day long!!

If you can't see his leg stretching and stamping down on his foot then you seriously are blind!!

posted on 18/2/16

The True Geordie reckons it was a penalty and also reckons the one on Mahrez was too.

Also said the ref bottled it and was all Arsenal second half!!


Enjoy 👍

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