The guy is the devil and his policies are dog shiiitt and quite frankly that wig alone means he should be sent to St Helena and be forced to live his life in exile but....
... part of me wants to see him get elected just to see how crazy it all gets.
C'mon, i'm not alone here. For comedies sake it would be interesting to see what happens.
And for Prison Break fans, doesn't Hilary Clinton remind you all of Caroline Reynolds?
Donald Trump
posted on 21/2/16
If a clown like Der Trump is elected to lead the Western World, we'd all be better looking to Putin for leadership instead. He's a thick basterd who's been bullying good people with his money for decades, and imagine given the power of the US Presidency what he could do? The US watches too much television these days, versus reading books, resulting in this "voyeur" phenomenon, where they actually believe whatever they see on the boob tube. He stands a chance of being elected.Sad state of affairs for a country in a state of delusion.
posted on 21/2/16
didn't stop Obama pushing several of his policies like his healthcare bill
Hopefully this type of bill wouldnt have been obstructed with as much vigor, as say a bill to ' ban all muslims', or ' to build a 40 foot wall around Mexico'.
posted on 21/2/16
"Not to mention a rabid, obstructionist congress still didn't stop Obama pushing several of his policies like his healthcare bill "
it passed with a majority of congress - if he didn't have his party controlling congress it wouldn't have become law.
posted on 21/2/16
comment by brightdave_ (U11711)
posted 57 minutes ago
Well put Manfrom. I know it was only 8 years ago so seems everyone has forgotten, putting Wall Street in charge al la Bush Jr. worked so well for America and the world last time. What was it called again? Global financial crisis?
Not that I believe him but I actually think he said he was going after wall street.
The only good thing about Trump is that he isn't controlled by corporations who fund these type of campaigns. It's a cancer of the US political system and to some extent our one.
He has his own money, which means he doesn't owe anybody anything. It's just a shame he's an evil basterd.
posted on 21/2/16
Tee Cruz also has some ridiculous policies, and Hilary Clinton isn't exactly a popular candidate in the States.
Wouldn't be surprised to see Trump as president tbh, the candidate with the biggest financial backing usually wins.
posted on 21/2/16
"There are checks and balances, but the presidency wields enormous power. Obama could nuke North Korea without congressional approval."
Shame he still hasn't bothered to close Guantanamo Bay then.
posted on 21/2/16
I don't think Trump actually wants to be President.
Hopefully Marco Rubio does enough to be elected.
posted on 21/2/16
The US watches too much television these days, versus reading books, resulting in this "voyeur" phenomenon, where they actually believe whatever they see on the boob tube.
same thing happening in UK with the Jeremy Kyle/TOWIE generation of morons.
posted on 21/2/16
The effects of television on US politics is overrated. Jeb spent $100m attacking Trump on TV, yet Trump defeated him through Twitter and Facebook videos.
Money is massive in US elections, but I'm unsure if it's wise to spend so much of it on TV ads.
posted on 21/2/16
Cruz scares me