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Use That Filter Button

Leicester fans, I implore ya.....don't be afraid of the Filter button.

It took me a lot of denial until I finally started to do so of late....
Since then, my JA life has improved no end.

There will be plenty of cross-board to-and-fro until May, if you consistently don't like a particular broken record of a fan - whether they be deluded, a childish WUM, iliiterate, or wear you down with stats, use that Filter button.

Eventually, you will have an article free from the chaff of our board, and the wheat can intermingle - if you create an article, they can't comment on it.

comment by (U18814)

posted on 3/3/16

Comment Deleted by Site Moderator

posted on 3/3/16

comment by Jobyfox (U4183)
posted 3 hours, 53 minutes ago
I once filtered everybody that has irritated me on here, but I got bored only reading posts from Merseysidefox. I then began to realise that an alternative opinion and the occasional disagreement, is good for the soul.

There are a few posters that, as in life, will irritate you more than others. There are others who might, generally, just be irritating. Actually, nobody has replied to any of my posts for a while ……………….


I don't mind a disagreement - I've had lots of dingdongs on here, mainly with my own

Arro got filtered simply because he was turning up on every thread, even ones that didn't mention Leicester, and was killing them. There was no debate, what he said would happen was going to happen. I gather he has toned it down but its done for a month now, whenever that is up.

Sandy had to go. I needn't explain

Maf had to go. Don't engage but sick of seeing his illiterate drivel.

Hafi had to go for his lengthy deluded stat posts. Not sure if you have had the pleasure but imagine if Arro had a baby with Microsoft Excel, and you aren't far away

comment by aries22 (U1203)

posted on 3/3/16

Don_tottenham has gone quiet recently, thank goodness. He doesn't even realise 'tottenham' is a proper noun and needs a capital letter, which tells me most of what I need to know about him. I base the rest of my opinion of him on the drivel he posts. Spurs fans, am I being unfair?

posted on 3/3/16

Filtering hafi is like punching a small but excitable child. It's just mean.....

posted on 3/3/16

Don has had me filtered before . We don't see eye to eye on many things, he had a good boo on an article I created the other day:


Anyway, looking forward to the next 10 games. Amazing stuff from both of us really ....

Your position doesn't need explaining. A squad built on not much money, on wages that are some of the lowest in.the division, a year after being written off. Proper Roy of the Rovers stuff.

Ours not so impressive, but no mean feat either. Big money had been spent, but lots have been moved on, and we are now the youngest squad in the division. No side this young have won a PL title, the next youngest averaged almost 18mths older

posted on 3/3/16

If either side do it, it's a fantastic achievement considering the money sloshing about at the top.

City alone - your side probably cost the same as one dodgy centre back!

posted on 3/3/16

comment by BlackStarr (U12353)
posted 16 minutes ago
Filtering hafi is like punching a small but excitable child. It's just mean.....

He had to go. He's no harm, but I often read this on a mobile and his epic posts (using the reply button to boot) would kill me.

comment by aries22 (U1203)

posted on 4/3/16

Using the filter button is a sign you've let people get to you.
Genuine football fans' comments and arguments are balanced and fair, and no matter how far within common sense and decency you push an argument, balance and fairness will always feature.
WUMs' comments are shot through with holes big enough to drive a coach and horses through, because said WUMs don't think their arguments through. The vast majority of them can't sustain reasoned debate or argument and aren't very intelligent, but they think they are because they support a big club.
Personally, I think there's a place for these people on forums like this, because their stupidity keeps me grounded and grateful for my education and upbringing.

comment by aries22 (U1203)

posted on 4/3/16

HRH King Ledley, I'm not sure you realise I'm not a Leicester supporter...

posted on 4/3/16

comment by aries22 (U1203)
posted 4 hours, 14 minutes ago
Using the filter button is a sign you've let people get to you.
Genuine football fans' comments and arguments are balanced and fair, and no matter how far within common sense and decency you push an argument, balance and fairness will always feature.
WUMs' comments are shot through with holes big enough to drive a coach and horses through, because said WUMs don't think their arguments through. The vast majority of them can't sustain reasoned debate or argument and aren't very intelligent, but they think they are because they support a big club.
Personally, I think there's a place for these people on forums like this, because their stupidity keeps me grounded and grateful for my education and upbringing.

I get that. I'll happily engage with anyone.

However, it can get to a point where they end up spamming threads. It becomes less about the subject at hand, and more an article about them, they can ruin several threads at once, spamming the same old nonsense.

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