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Article Rating 3.82 Stars

England World Rankings Disgrace!

Hi fellow patriotic Englishmen and women, just thought I'd talk about our national team seen as we both have a lot of players in it.

I just had a look at the current Fifa world rankings and it says that we are 4th. Then I looked through the history of the rankings and we have never been top. It is an absolute disgrace on Fifa’s part that we aren’t currently in the top 3 and haven’t been at the top in the last decade.
Over the last 20 years, the majority of the best players in the world, have been English and played in the best league in the world, in (that’s right) England. We have the best stadiums in the world, the best support in the world and currently the most talented national team. We have a great international history, winning the world cup and getting to other finals. It shocks me to see a team like Uruguay up near us in the rankings. They have mediocre players and have never won a world cup. I don’t think a team should be in the top 10 if they have never won a world cup, because history is extremely important in judging how good a team are.
Ranking doesn’t always tell you who the best teams are though. Here is a graph showing the average rankings of nations since 1992, and as you can clearly see, England is highest on the graph. Which is an indication of how good a team ACTUALLY is. (Graph from Uefa)

ONE GRAPH – Average Ranking since 1992/actual goodness (from Uefa)

Currently we have the most talented national team in the world. Here is the Uefa best 11 out of players in the world at the moment. (Notice how many are English)


That is 7 English players in the current world best 11. Seen as the rankings started in 1992 let us look at a world best 11 from that 21 years. (Team taken from Uefa stats rankings)


That is 7 out of 11 again for English players in the world 11 since 1992. People may argue with Ferdinand being in there, but in my opinion he was the best at the World cup for us last year and in Euro 2008 so I think he just edges it over someone like Terry.

So let us recap, we currently have the best players in the world, the best team in the world, the best league in the world, the best fans, stadiums, the best players overall since the rankings began and currently the best player in the world (Rooney), and we are 4th in the world HOW? Uefa is clearly corrupt in my opinion because it is an absolute disgrace that we have not been top in the 21 years in which they have composed rankings.

posted on 21/9/11

The coldest recorded temperature in the UK was in Braemar and was -27.4

posted on 21/9/11

Barry, I mean these type of symbols


posted on 21/9/11

Save the climate stats for the climate article please. Please do continue to discuss our glorious national team though.

posted on 21/9/11

The Armani suits at each world cu are glorious!

posted on 21/9/11

when is the climate article coming?

posted on 21/9/11

I told you the situation.

posted on 21/9/11

13th of november! but youc an have a sneaky preview on october the 23rd at 3.48pm for £19887

posted on 21/9/11

Sorry VAT is not included in that price!

posted on 21/9/11

I understand, hope your images from Landsat 5 & 7 come through soon then.

posted on 26/9/11

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