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Article Rating 4.25 Stars

The Morning After...,

WOW just WOW

What can I say!! I know there are many of us like myself who have been supporting OUR club for longer than we care to remember.

I went to my first game in '77 and Leicester City became my club.
The trials and tribulations of 39 years of support is all part of the territory with being a football supporter but as we all know we have had more than our fair share
Boardroom Mismanagement
Unsatisfactory Managers
Recent relegation to the 3rd tier for the first time
Playoff Heartbreak
Junior Lewis 😉

But this morning I woke ( after 3 hours sleep) and I can call my club Premier League Champions. I have experienced many things in my life but last night was the ultimate. Tears were shed, alcohol was consumed, thanks to our players & management team were given out.
Nothing will ever compare to this, the record books will always show that Leicester City were the Premier League Champions 2015/16 and nothing can change that now.

My thanks go to each and every one of the squad players we have used this season, you have worn the shirt with pride and every single supporter applauds you for that.
The management team deserve tremendous credit for what they have done this season, after the sudden departure of NP last summer they remained professional and loyal to the CLUB and this enabled a smooth transition into the Ranieri reign.
I for one posted on here on the day we appointed Ranieri that I thought it was a great appointment and we would be in for exciting times for our club but what we have achieved is beyond my wildest dreams.

Claudio you will be forever in all Leicester supporters hearts and you will be known as the history maker for LCFC
Plus I would guess you won't ever have to buy a drink in Leicestershire again....

So let's enjoy where we are as a club, Top Seeds in the CL next season, Charity Shield Wembley appearance, the club on the front page of numerous publications worldwide, a summer of intetesting transfer activity.
All of the above beyond our wildest dreams.

I would also like to congratulate Spurs on having a truly superb season and I am sure they will be there or there about a next season again. A young team full of talent so they have a lot to be positive about.

So for all of us Dung, Mersey, Nev, BS, True, AFV,
Warwick, Stroud, Yankari, JG, and all the other posters on here & last but not least that eternal optimist ARRO


Bring on Saturday when we can welcome our heroes and celebrate with each other as Wes lifts the trophy.


posted on 3/5/16

TB - We want a YouTube video of you crowdsurfing by 3pm.

posted on 3/5/16


This is a once in a lifetime moment for ALL Leicester fans, I think it's time you found it in your heart ( assuming admins have hearts) to lift Arro's ban so he can enjoy this moment on here with his fellow fans.

comment by Vulpes (U6011)

posted on 3/5/16

I'll second that.

For all his faults, he was the one person on here who believed we could really achieve something, this season right from the off.

"Bliss was it in that dawn to be alive,
But to be a fox was very heaven!"

comment by Vulpes (U6011)

posted on 3/5/16

*achieve something this season, right from the off.

posted on 3/5/16

comment by OooTommyWright (U20202)
posted 13 minutes ago

This is a once in a lifetime moment for ALL Leicester fans, I think it's time you found it in your heart ( assuming admins have hearts) to lift Arro's ban so he can enjoy this moment on here with his fellow fans.

Let him back on he can't go on the spurs board anyway

posted on 3/5/16

Comment Deleted by Site Moderator

posted on 3/5/16

Oh, come on Admin.

Let Arro back on, send him an email to say we're all missing him and want him to come back to haunt us with celebrations.

How long ago was he banned, must be a long enough punishment by now

posted on 3/5/16

Great post Tommy.

My first game was against Brighton in Sept 1978 (a 4-1 win). Since then there have been some great times (League cups and promotions) but nothing, Nothing, on this scale.

My wife keeps looking at me as though I'm some Peter Griffin clone as she keeps catching me giggling or blubbing at random moments when I think about the phrase 'Premier League Champions' applied to my club. I'm not sure anything can ever top this.

Thank you to everyone at LCFC. Thanks also to all of my fellow JA606'ers for being there to share this, the best of seasons, with.

posted on 7/5/16

posted on 7/5/16

So sad

Words fail me at times like this!

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