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The Brexit Thread

Haven't seen one of these threads yet. I know it's off topic, but it's an important issue that needs discussing.

This article is an opportunity for supporters of both sides to discuss how we should vote. It's also an opportunity for me to explain to Brexiters why their reasons are misinformed, incorrect or irrelevant.

Only civil, reasoned discussion allowed. I will delete/ ban anyone who doesn't contribute in any meaningful way. I might even copy some key points into the article text.

posted on 11/6/16


The European championships have started...

There's nothing a few weeks of debate on here has shown me, with any credibility, that voting to leave the EU has positives (if any) to outstrip the negatives of doing so.

Going to enjoy the football now for a couple of weeks before voting remain

posted on 12/6/16

When you know Cameron is genuinely rattled; trying some desperate scaremongering:


Before last General Election:


posted on 12/6/16

comment by Redinthehead - FreeGaza - فلسطين (U1860)
posted 20 hours, 52 minutes ago

In 2000 Sir James Dyson had said Britain would be "suicidal" not to join the single currency and that in 2014 he had called for the free movement of people within the EU to be retained.


Just goes to show that advocates to remain in the EU can get it wrong...

......plenty of the institutions who have forecast a financial meltdown if we leave the EU were champions of the UK joining the single currency & the ERM

posted on 17/6/16

comment by Planète des Singes-"I usually have a second pair of glasses but I can't find them because it's hard to find glasses without glasses!"🙈🙉🙊 (U4158)
posted 4 days, 8 hours ago
comment by Redinthehead - FreeGaza - فلسطين (U1860)
posted 20 hours, 52 minutes ago

In 2000 Sir James Dyson had said Britain would be "suicidal" not to join the single currency and that in 2014 he had called for the free movement of people within the EU to be retained.


Just goes to show that advocates to remain in the EU can get it wrong...

......plenty of the institutions who have forecast a financial meltdown if we leave the EU were champions of the UK joining the single currency & the ERM


OR it shows that they have realised they will personally profit from leaving, which is why Local small businesses with no international element all want to leave. Dysons aren't made in this country and the research base in malmesbury (a few miles from where i live) is mainly done by brits so i don't imagine this will affect his business at all. Every other large business with any international ties however...

BRexit keep bringing up JCB as being a supporter, but it's only their chairman (a wealthy lord) who wants to leave, not the company. Rollls Royce on the other hand have actually messaged all their staff urging them to vote remain, because it makes business sense. See where i'm going with this? A few wealthy individuals with vested interests want out, but the majority want in, yet somehow the EU is all about 'elites putting down the man in the street'. Whta a gullible nation we are

posted on 17/6/16

Citi group the largest financial institution in the UK have also emailed their staff. Whilst they did say it's up to them they said that it would have a negative impact on the company. The London group have already moved to Dublin.

posted on 17/6/16

comment by Brennie Babes (U8994)
posted 2 hours, 19 minutes ago

"Whta (sic) a gullible nation we are..."

Speak for yourself.

posted on 17/6/16

Some food for thought.....


posted on 17/6/16

"There has always been another political objective behind European economic integration, one which is now firmly in the foreground.

That is the creation of a federal European superstate, a United States of Europe. Despite the resonance of the phrase, not one of the conditions that contributed to making a success of the United States of America exists in the case of the EU. But that is what the EU is all about.

That is its sole raison d’être. And, unlike the first objective, it is profoundly misguided. For the United Kingdom to remain in the EU would be particularly perverse, since not even our political elites wish to see this country absorbed into a United States of Europe.

To be part of a political project whose objective we emphatically do not share cannot possibly make sense. It is true that our present Prime Minister argues that he has secured a British “opt-out” from the political union, but this is completely meaningless.

“But,” comes the inevitable question, “what is your alternative to membership of the EU?” A more absurd question it would be hard to envisage.

"The alternative to being in the EU is not being in the EU. And it may come as a shock to the little Europeans that most of the world is not in the EU – and that most of these countries are doing better economically than most of the EU."

posted on 20/6/16

comment by There'sOnlyOneReds (U1721)
posted 1 week, 6 days ago
comment by 19th title coming soon. (U12879)
posted 2 minutes ago
simple facts:

only months ago. david Cameron was insistent that unless his renegotiations with Europe led to significant reform, he would have no hesitation in recommending the uk leaving the eu.

at that time, his reasoning was that the freedom to choose/create our own laws and reject eu laws. to control our own borders, and negotiate our own trade deals would lead to a stronger Britain than remaining in an unreformed eu.

all the negotiation achieved was a brake on the rate of migration allowed from NEW countries entering joining the eu, a piffling change considering how often a new country joins. and a maximum 4 year restriction on the claiming of benefits by migrants, IF we chose to apply such a restriction.
no major reforms.

now, suddenly, leaving the eu would collapse our economy, destroy all our jobs, prevent us trading with Europe completely. it's all bulls|-|it. and it's all completely contradictory to everything he said 6 months ago.

and no one's even mentioned the possibility of us being forced into the TTIP trade deal yet, which risks reducing all consumer rights, reduces employee protections and rights, leaves ALL public services open to privatisation, regardless of government wishes.
and if the government attempts to do anything like increase employee protections, save public services etc, which impinge on any corporations profits (uk OR overseas corporation) the corporations can sue the government for lost profits.
don't say they can't, Canada entered into the same type of deal with the US and have ALREADY been sued.
corbyn has publicly claimed he would veto this deal, but he can't, it's agreed in Europe under QMV rules, there is no veto.

and don't tell us they can't force anything on us, we have the veto.
the options for the veto have been reduced AT EVERY SINGLE treaty negotiation, from the treaty of rome, the following 4 treaties of accession, the treaty of nice, and the treaty of Lisbon.
we lost the right of veto on 43 different areas on the treaty of Lisbon alone.
if we vote to stay in, our veto WILL be negotiated away.
Veto? If we lose everything and we're worse of, then we come out. That's a pretty good veto. However none of this has actually happened. So probably better to stay in, rather than vote out because of the nasty things we can dream up could happen, especially thinking about all the good things which actually do happen. For example our economy being one of the biggest growers in the world for the last few years, the laws we've got from the EU in regards to the workplace and of course the trade deals.

Maybe we should look at modernising the EU and being a major leader in that, rather than leaving and disrupting the growth we've seen? Again I'm no expert but I think that would be more beneficial to us.
I agree with you 100%, you're no expert.

If we don't vote out now, we will never get another vote. That's it, over, UK joins Euro within 10 years, no going back, single state. Can you imagine Texas leaving the USA?

As for modernizing the EU, we've been trying for 40 years and have been voted out in every one of the 72 attempts.

Oh well, you can dream.

posted on 21/6/16


Talk of reform from within is just that. Talk.

We will be led inexorably down the path to federalism and we will be powerless to prevent it.

Economic arguments are fine, but these self-serving pronouncements from vested interests seeking to maintain a status quo that they have done very well out of, thank you.

And btw, 'Austerity' will continue whether we're in or out.

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