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So the report is out

Yes that's right Chilcot's damning Blair, however yesterday I was watching the news and they were asking load of people in the streets if going to war in Iraq was the right thing to do. This got me thinking what I thought and I suddenly saw myself switching from it was wrong to maybe it was right and back again to it was wrong. Now here me out and I know I may get stick for this post but would like to know how others felt.

Initially I was thinking this is completely wrong, you see I am from that sort of region and to me it has always looked like the west constantly destroys anything us in the middle east try to do. On top of that the amount of people's live that would be lost as well as removing Sadam would create havoc in the country which we are now seeing. I like to point out I have been to Iraq ona lot of occasions in my life as there are shrines there (just in case you lot are thinking anything sinister) These shrines I am not going to go into but you will understand if you know anything about Kerbala. Anyway I have been before and after the war so I know what the country was like and is like.

So while I am probably still thinking it was wrong there is a damn good case for it being right. Bellow are the Pros and Cons


Sadam is gone who killed thousands and thousands for his own greed
There people their feel free (well they did before ISIS)
It has allowed other nationalities in the country which where bared, the same goes to it's business.
Last time I was there admittedly before the debacle that is going on now, it felt like a place that could grow and some cities you could easily see becoming the new Dubai


Went into war on misleading information
People's lives were lost
Look at where we are today with the massing amount of terrorist organisations

Personally I still think it was wrong, but that just edges it from it being right. Was it wrong or do you think it was right, leaving hinged sight out of the equation

posted on 6/7/16

sorry but going to war under false pretenses is wrong, plain and simple, America and the uk apparently had no problem allowing saddam to run rampant from the early 90's when he was defeated up until the invasion, only when a heck of a lot of American lives were lost they felt the need to do something about him

posted on 6/7/16

comment by United_kaz (U9943)
posted 24 minutes ago
sorry but going to war under false pretenses is wrong, plain and simple, America and the uk apparently had no problem allowing saddam to run rampant from the early 90's when he was defeated up until the invasion, only when a heck of a lot of American lives were lost they felt the need to do something about him
You know what, I think your right, never thought of it like that at all

posted on 6/7/16

Millions of people in the UK and USA, and around the world, protested against the war in Iraq and they just went and fat did it anyway.


The basis of those protests were pretty much the same things the Mr Chilcot report has spent 7 years, tens of millions of pounds and a lot of paper coming up with. Maybe if people listen to each rather than dismiss such protests as "looney lefties" (for example), perhaps then we can make some fecking progress as a species.


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