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Non Football Thought

Ok so we will have a new Maggie T in at number 10.

I was watching news night (yes I know i'm living dangerously...) last night and something came up with the PM race between the two ladies. The guarantee of EU nationals in this country.

Andrea Leadsom has Guaranteed it but Theresa May has not completely until we know what is happening to the Brits living in the EU member state.

Now while I agree that for the large part for security, safety and even businesses it probably is best going in confirming their situation. However I find it absolutely naive if you already take this off the table.

Think about it, this role has only come up for one reason and one reason alone, that is to unite and negotiate with the EU during Brexit.

Now no one is saying that the EU members will take a nasty approach to Brits living in their countries, but still you don't go to the negotiating table already showing one card as if you will. Think about it, if you play poker you don't go well here is one off my cards, now lets play for some serious monies....

I think people need to get real, while it is not nice, EU nationals living in Britain will have to be used as a bargaining chip, otherwise they have a head start on us.

posted on 8/7/16

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posted on 8/7/16

Curly - he's not being racist, he's simply thinking of people as commodities and not as human beings.

posted on 8/7/16

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posted on 8/7/16

I don't post on facebook

But I don't agree with it. I don't agree with treating people like that.

And I certainly don't think the continued uncertainty will help any aspect of our society. It certainly isn't helping the NHS for example which would collapse without EU nationals working within it - and many are living in uncertainty and making plans to return home which would be a disaster.

posted on 8/7/16

In the midst of the Chillcot fallout there was a commons bill proposed by Labour which sought to guarantee EU nationals living in the UK the right to stay after Brexit.

While the vote passed, the entire Tory party (bar Boris and I think one other – maybe Cameron) abstained.


The Tories wanted to use millions of UK EU nationals as ‘pawns’ to negotiate with the EU. This was despite assurances from the Leave campaign that in the event of a Brexit their UK status would be secured (hence Boris’s vote).

Using people's lives as leverage

posted on 8/7/16

comment by Dickphuck McShitmonkey - Nigel farage's arab army - IMMIGRANTS OUT! (U5291)
posted 17 seconds ago
I don't post on facebook

But I don't agree with it. I don't agree with treating people like that.

And I certainly don't think the continued uncertainty will help any aspect of our society. It certainly isn't helping the NHS for example which would collapse without EU nationals working within it - and many are living in uncertainty and making plans to return home which would be a disaster.
I agree with you 100% but like you have pointed out this should have been thought through before the vote. If we leave what do you expect... EU weren't just going to give us everything.

comment by Admin1 (U1)

posted on 8/7/16

A few of my friends are EU migrants to the UK. The thought of my friends explusion from the UK being used as bargaining leverage is do utter abhorrent to common decency that any politicians willing to do so should b ashamed of themselves. Such actions hark back to the very dark days of European history.

posted on 8/7/16

Number 1

I think if you make promises to people then you should keep those promises, and the EU nationals were told they would be welcome here after the vote by the Leave campaign.

I absolutely expect the EU to play hardball with various trade deals but they shouldn't do so with those who have made their lives across the continent, and nor should we.

posted on 8/7/16

comment by Dickphuck McShitmonkey - Nigel farage's arab army - IMMIGRANTS OUT! (U5291)
posted 17 minutes ago
Number 1

I think if you make promises to people then you should keep those promises, and the EU nationals were told they would be welcome here after the vote by the Leave campaign.

I absolutely expect the EU to play hardball with various trade deals but they shouldn't do so with those who have made their lives across the continent, and nor should we.
I don't expect EU to either but you can't take it off the table straight away as Andrea Leadsom has, that is what negotiating is about.

I also think the EU referendum was meant to be a bargaining chip for David Cameron so he could use it when the Librals created another Coalition. What no one knew then was that the Tory's would win out right and as a result he had to have the vote.

This is negotiating, it simple, you do not show your hand first...

posted on 8/7/16

Given the UK’s extremely weak position in regard to negotiations, (primarily due to time constraints) I believe many concessions (including free movement) will be made.

However I suspect the Government will place a lot of spin on the outcome(s) when they are made public to ease any potential unrest. Regardless of how things transpire expect PR to be ‘positive’

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