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With Bent out for the England game do you think he may be involved against wales or not? And do you reckon hes up to it? Personally I'd love to see him maybe come on as a sub.

posted on 4/9/11

If it is 3 or 4-0 then bring him on as a sub. Why change the team? Only change I would make is Lampard in for Downing with Young on the wing (not convinced he should play behind Rooney) or Lampard in for Barry (because Barry is cack).

posted on 4/9/11

You'd better be scared, Steve Morison is coming for ya!

posted on 5/9/11

Given Capello's comments about him in the press he'll be lucky to come on for the last 10 minutes.

"Andy didn't start the last game with Liverpool and probably he is not at the top. Also he is big. He needs to play games, games, games. It's the start of the season ..... He needs to improve, to drink less."


posted on 5/9/11

I love the way you added the '....He needs to improve, to drink less.' bit on the end as if it was all from the recent statement, when actually that bit was something he said last season, and has no relevance to anything he is saying now.

But of course you knew that didn't you....

posted on 5/9/11

I have no idea to be honest - the Daily Fail reported his quotes as if they were recent. I took the bits that supported my opinion that he won't get a game, and posted the link so you could read it for yourselves

Dont get all paranoid on me now

posted on 5/9/11

Carroll 35m

comment by Joecos (U3291)

posted on 5/9/11

I hope & prayer that with Bellamy working off him it will be just what Andy needs to kickstart his career with Liverpool,could not care less if he does or does not start for England, its how he performs for the mighty reds that concerns me.

posted on 5/9/11

Think he needs to start looking decent for Liverpool before he'll get in the England team, outside of one or two good games he has been fairly poor since his move...

Once he is back from injury if he carries on his pre Liverpool form and improves as a player then he could get in the England side but I think the future England strike force will be more built on pacey players and quick interchange with Carroll on the bench as something a bit different should we require it...

posted on 5/9/11

He,s had more kick-starts than my 1969 B.S.A. 500.

comment by Red Led (U1731)

posted on 5/9/11

To be honest I am a little concerned regards Carroll. He is a player with potential to be a very good, and maybe (and I say maybe) a great striker. But his lifestyle is going to kill his career if he's not careful. He really needs to realise that he only has ten years or so at the top and should work at his game and fitness. he will have years to 'live it up' once he retires.
I honestly think, if reports are true, that we have a potential Gazza on our hands (before the wums start I an talking about how his career will go through his lifestyle, Not comparing his skills as a footballer).

Oh, and Terry-leader-Lampard-Legend:
Thank you so much for the insightful and well thought out response: I am sure that not one Liverpool supporter in their wildest imagination knew that we paid 35m for Carroll as it has never been mentioned before - wow! As I am sure that none of us ever in our wildest dreams considered that we had paid over the odds!
I don't care if a player cost 35million or £3.50 and two cornflake packet tops...it is what they do when they are on the pitch that is important. The fee paid, in my mind, is totally inconsequential. The day I see a huge wad of twenty pound notes running around the pitch in a red shirt is the day I'll start to worry about the money.
Regardless of how much was paid for them, as long as Carroll, or any other player at Liverpool, pulls on the red shirt with the Liver bird on the chest, I will be 100% behind them.

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