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The Unsung Hero

While one and all are raving about The Grudge (yes, dearie, I know it's spelt Grujic) and quite rightly so, in these warm-up games there seems to me one player who is seriously underrated: Kevin Stewart. He's been solid throughout and, while I'm a keen supporter of little Joe, and I dearly want him to stay with the team, Stewart, although more defensively minded would be an excellent replacement. I hope he is an increasing feature in the team this season. Many thanks to The Potatoe growers from London N17 (better now, Admin?)in initially preparing him for his better education at Melwood.

The Grudge? Immense. And I think I am right is saying he cost less than £8M? Compared to 'smokin' boy" Pogba, coming in at allegedly £105M?

Those poor Mancs, they don't know what they're doing, do they?


posted on 21/7/16

I thought Scousers were famed for their originality, "The Grudge?

Sounds a bit like The Studge, that dude.

Please re write. Must try harder.

Shiite out of ten.


posted on 21/7/16

comment by Mclanelli (U20318)
posted 20 minutes ago
I thought Scousers were famed for their originality, "The Grudge?

Sounds a bit like The Studge, that dude.

Please re write. Must try harder.

Shiite out of ten.

Originality? From the person who's copying the op by signing off the end of their posts....

posted on 21/7/16

M guy walked into that one, and the best thing is that it's actually true.

posted on 21/7/16

I said last night that he could become our Dier style player. Nothing fancy but gets the job done

posted on 21/7/16

The Grudge, The Studge and the one Liverpoll can't budge(Balotelli)

posted on 21/7/16

I don't rate Stewart at all.

I hate his passing. its so negative. You can run about and kick a few lads all you want but hes got no positivism in his game.

posted on 21/7/16

Stewart played well last night, I haven't seen the other games.

He's not a good passer and am not sure he's better than Championship quality, but he's a tryer and seems to have a very good attitude to working and learning.

He protects the ball quite well in tight spaces and positions himself well.

If he could pass he'd be the real deal but ultimately that may hold him back. I don't have a problem with him being in the squad though and he's useful when we want to close a game out or rotate for the cups.

posted on 24/7/16

JA has to go

Simply not good enough. Not good defensively and does little offensively. You need game changers at the level we aspire to

Keeping players like JA is OK if your aspiration is mid-table mediocrity. At the highest level you need more than contiunuity players

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