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Wrong place to watch the match

A bar in a local hotel in downtown Doha is where i take in the matches. Normally one man and his camel are there not yesterday.
To my dismay well at least after the first 20 minutes it was the location for the Man Utd supporter club Qatar!
All the stereotypes where there out of twenty one Mank who spent the whole time giving everyone a running commentary. The remainder from around the world in brand new team shirts.

As for the match i think the issue with the corners is now M&H can't be touchy feely with the opposition we lose an advantage and also we where out numbered height wise in the box. Despite that i thought the keeper had a good game could of been six or more.

Not overly worried yet we new there would be a backlash from the big clubs as so it shows. Let's get a win on Tuesday and move on.

Again on social media i hear the backlash against so called plastic fans to those who dis our new supporters please grow up you are not superior to anyone who pays to see our club no matter how long you have supported them and we need to encourage these newcomers not alienate them.

Sorry TB a day early but Sunday is Monday out here!

posted on 25/9/16

Never seen such pathetic defending ar corners for 20 years watching Leicester. No idea what was going on but we lost the absolute plot. We were well in the game without those errors and probably on route for a draw. It NEEDS to change away from home we're so open its untrue.

posted on 25/9/16

Watching the highlights on MOTD last night it looked like our new boy Slimani caused some confusion in defence when defending corners. Huth seemed to step back and let Slimani take some responsibility for clearing headers rather than doing it himself. They obviously need to get this sorted in training sooner rather than later.

posted on 25/9/16

comment by El Zorro (U13253)
posted 6 seconds ago
Watching the highlights on MOTD last night it looked like our new boy Slimani caused some confusion in defence when defending corners. Huth seemed to step back and let Slimani take some responsibility for clearing headers rather than doing it himself. They obviously need to get this sorted in training sooner rather than later.
Strange as it may sound, I don't rate Slimani's heading ability apart from when he's trying to score.

I don't think he won a single header last week against Burnley from a deep punt forward or this week either.

Lets hope the goals outweigh the weakness.

posted on 25/9/16

A bit of daydreaming from Amartey & Simpson for some of the goals. Fuchs too was not even watching the corner-kicker for another.........was facing his opponent after the kick was in play!
It's correct as others have said regarding Huth & Morgan not grappling anymore. It's taken our edge away somewhat, but at least they are being very disciplined with the new laws. I want to see our taller players marking the opposition tall players at set pieces more often. Communication all round is needed between the players at all times.

Want Mahrez to stay alert to any balls near our box more also. Tracking back is good but stay close to the player you follow, not letting someone else deal with a threat if it's out your comfort zone or part of the pitch.
We defend as a TEAM and attack as a TEAM like last season.

I would also say to the players that they may be playing for their Champions League places on the pitch. "Play well, give 100% and you're in contention." Otherwise, consider being outside the 11.

If King comes in to replace Amartey ( likely i think? ) ....then Andy needs to assert more drive, both defensively and attack wise. I'd like a '9' from him to help out Drinkwater, not the steady 6 or 7.

If we don't pull together for Porto, then they could do to us what we did to Club Brugge.

We need a performance lads.

posted on 26/9/16

So Simpson agrees with me about wrestling in the box see the telelgraph article

comment by CDUBYA (U17121)

posted on 26/9/16

Good point on the fans Nev well said. The more the merrier. They did miss out though League 1 was fun.

posted on 26/9/16

There is something in the comments regarding not feeling able to be physical at corners any more, particularly with arch pedant Mike Dean watching over you. However, they went too far in the opposite direction and just let the Man Utd players get a run and a jump the whole time. There's a happy medium to be had somewhere and it should be fixable in training.

posted on 26/9/16

CDUBA true or Watford at home in front of 13000 in the 80's so they owe us something
Dung last year the wrestling covered the lack of movement from our centre backs that this year is being exposed as for both ouf ful backs neither are at their best take the K word out and you have the perfect storm

posted on 26/9/16

I'd be a bit more generous and say it's likely that they've gotten into lazy habits, albeit lazy habits they could get away with. The defenders in particular will need to get together and have a think about this.

posted on 26/9/16

Grappling or not, rule changes or not had nothing to do with Saturday, it was just awful defending that schoolboys would be embarrassed about.

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