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Anyone familiar with CBD Oil?

My Dad had a stroke about 5 years ago and has gradually got worse after an initial good recovery.

He now suffers with Peripheral Neuropathy which causes him a lot of pain in his legs and has now left him needing a wheelchair to get around, I have been looking for something to help him as all the drugs he's given from the doctors barely help and the side effects can be worse that the illness.

More and more I have noticed a lot of people talking about CBD oil as a great way to treat a huge array of issue.

CBD oil for anyone who doesn't know is an oil that is extracted from cannabis, it is legal as it has very low levels of THC which is what causes the high so it doesn't get you baked, but it is reported to have calming and pain relieving effects.

Anyway, I am a bit suspicious about all the online reviews as they can be easily planted, so i am looking for some feedback from anyone who has tried it or knows of someone who has?

posted on 14/2/18


Mix the word Holland in with the Hooy and you might just wanna give this a go haha His Christian name is Jacob,hopefully a wee cracker

Yeah it would be nice if anyone reading this tries it out and reports back with their feelings.

Another small step tho.

posted on 17/2/18

I'll be getting on to my sister to try it for my nephew who has MS.

He was diagnosed 9 years ago and advised to retire 7 years ago when he was 31. Thrawn wee buqqer is still working.

Took him till this season to move his seat away from 6 rows from the back of the JSU. He's now at the front of JSU but flatly refuses to use the lift he could easily use.

God I admire that lad.

posted on 18/2/18


Hope your nephew gets some comfort from it

Wee heads up for your sister,there`s a half price sale on at Holland & Barret.

£9.99 for 10ml

Add just been on the telly.

posted on 18/2/18

Cheers Blue

posted on 2/3/18

Another nice wee story..


posted on 3/3/18

Good man Blue.

Told my sister about it. The nephew it's trying it out. No dramatic effects yet but mobility is a bit better and he's sleeping well. Never underestimate the power of sleep as a healer so if it does that, then great.

posted on 22/3/18

Niceone Show

Might be worth upping his dosage little by little. Here`s another positive wee story..


comment by Faither (U3393)

posted on 22/3/18

Heard nothing but good stories about the cbd tardis in Glasgow. Better percentage of cbd oil than Holland and barrett I believe.

posted on 22/3/18

comment by Bluebell (U7064)
posted 6 hours, 47 minutes ago
Niceone Show

Might be worth upping his dosage little by little. Here`s another positive wee story..

Wish I'd known about it for my da. Just had his 10th anniversary. His last 14 years he had Parkinson's. Last 4 were just horrible to watch. Wish I could have had something just to reduce his suffering.

Still think about him every day. Luckily, the good memories are to the for, but there's always the suffering in there too.

posted on 16/6/18

Exellent news! Another small step forward for this medicine

Well done wee Billys mum for fighting all the way for her son and others,about time the goverment see this for what it is..MEDICINE.

Wishing you good health from now on young Billy


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