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Is this the real barry smith?


posted on 8/9/11

Also Thunderball. It's the only one I've actually read the book to as well.

posted on 8/9/11

Yeah thunderballs a good'un.

Hilarious quote in that where he sets off the fire alarm off and the girl runs out and goes "What's happening? What's going on?

And bond just goes - "Could it be the front door bell"

Connerys delivery on that was fantastic.

posted on 8/9/11

But Connery's finest moment will always be The Untouchables.

posted on 8/9/11

OOh , gonna have to disagree, although I do love that film considerably.

Although costners finest moment was the bodyguard. Legendary.

posted on 8/9/11

Well a purist would probably say Dances With Wolves (which is a fantastic film), but I'm gonna go with Untouchables (again) or Field Of Dreams.

posted on 8/9/11

I like field of dreams, its not something that I would ususally be into but I watched it one day and I enjoyed it immensly.

The guardians good aswell.

posted on 9/9/11

comment by TheStrettyEnd - He Tracks Back My Lord - The Defamation Of Strettland Banks * (U3123) posted 12 hours, 20 minutes ago

OOh , gonna have to disagree, although I do love that film considerably.

Although costners finest moment was the bodyguard. Legendary.

Dances with Wolves and JFK his finest two for me

posted on 9/9/11

Come on, grow a pair.

Got to be Apocalypse Now, Goodfellas & Scarface, surely?

posted on 9/9/11

When was kevin foster in those films?

posted on 9/9/11


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