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Article Rating 5 Stars

Protest March Great Success


posted on 12/9/11

Would a more productive use of time and energy be for the 'fans groups' to speak to the board and ask: 'What can we do to help find investors/buyers to help growth at the club'?

Surely instead of complaining about the board, offering to help them, as this would also show unity within the club and it's fanbase, would be better for all parties. It would also show a prospective buyer that they are buying into a family and not a feud.

But then what would the militants with no industrial action to support do then?

Some people are only happy when they're complaining.....

posted on 12/9/11

I do not think after the exploits of the Infamous Three, that the club will ever sit around a table with the fans again, unless they were given a full mandate from the majority of supporters following a Formally conducted Ballot, attended by the Electoral Commission, With a formal agenda, A full set of proposals with there basis set in stone and with representatives elected by the Voting Evertonians.

Pie in the sky i,m afraid.

posted on 12/9/11

"Militants with no industrial action to support"

Surley you cant mean Bill`s co-ordinator of meetings

posted on 12/9/11


comment by CrISpY (U6554)

posted on 12/9/11

comment by silkyblue (U1878)

posted 12 hours, 52 minutes ago

A Clown, was that you Crispy or your brother Crusty?
I once made love to a female-clown. It was weird because she twisted my little man into a poodle.
Have the RSPCA offered a reward

posted on 12/9/11

That dog deserves to be put down.

comment by CrISpY (U6554)

posted on 12/9/11

He's already been down

posted on 12/9/11

Crispy, No, I had two fights, Two Jumps and i,m highly delighted.
Going to Crufts again in November.

posted on 13/9/11

I watched the march & the BU did what they said they were going to do ie. have a peaceful protest. I've no problem with that, albeit I find their aims somewhat naive, as their wish for a 3rd party board is the stuff of fairy tales & beyond that, they don't really seem to have an aim or at least not a stated aim

However, I thought their official response, which included a childish & totally paranoid rant about the applause Kenwright received during the game, cost them some credibility.

posted on 13/9/11

"Some credibility"!!!!!
They dont have any.

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