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Gray's grumblings

To begin with, I personally still think Gray has A LOT to learn and there are several issues with his game that have remained over a significant period now since his arrival. I find his attitude a little irritating at times and he does (at least come across as ) have a petulant persona on the pitch, but then he is a young lad in a environment where money and fame comes too quickly (according to the national papers, it's not on that he is only getting TWENTY-FIVE THOUSAND POUNDS PER WEEK!

However, he hasn't actually come out and overtly moaned and recently has stated that he wants more game-time to improve upon certain aspects on his game. Whilst this comment may not be as admirable as it sounds, and he simply is grumpy that he is isn't playing as much...for the first time recently...I've thought 'does he have a point?'

Mahrez has started the season well (actually....considering the hype, Mahrez has started the season at a level you expect for his wage and previous form) - so I am not sure Gray can complain too much about his opportunities so far.

However, does he have a point about not having more game time or even starts last year considering our dip in form and in particular, some lackluster performances by Mahrez (this isn't 'picking on Mahrez' - but rather highlighting that he would be the player dropping out on occasions if Gray came in)?

I get that, as metioned, he still showed the same issues when playing on occassions, but at his age, I think some of this can only be ironed out by regular 'matchday' football and do wonder how much of this is down to the fact we were a little concerned about dropping Mahrez...

I don't think it's clear cut but do think he has a point to a certain extent about how last season panned out...

posted on 24/8/17

Mahrez has started the season fantastically.

Why oh why no one has paid the money Leicester want is beyond me, on form he's a supreme talent. Arsenal should be biting your hand off for a player like him.

As for Gray, I also thought we would see more of him as on the occasions I remember him playing he's usually done well and looked like a good player to boot.

posted on 24/8/17

Gray should just shut up and get in with it, end of really.

posted on 24/8/17

I think Tuesday night was encouraging. Probably our best player and at least showed he has desire to impress

posted on 24/8/17

He's not fit to lace Mahrez's boots - even an off-form Mahrez

posted on 24/8/17

Yes, I'm pleased his performance at 'The Lane' has already been highlighted on here. He roamed his ground pretty much effortlessly and, as the TV commentator expressed, you don't allow him time to place that ball on his right foot ready to pull the trigger (hence the excellent save from Eastwood in the 2nd half).

He justified the man-of-the-match award.

posted on 24/8/17

Good to hear some people's feedback.

I know, and I really don't mean this in a patronising way, some other fans and even some of the pundits watching highlights have a bit of a false view on how well he has played and perhaps this has added to, let's say; Gray's self-confidence.

Wondered what people thought about his grumblings about last year? It's quite difficult to analysis whether he would be more influential that a poor mahrez as he hasn't really been given that opportunity, but I kinda feel for him a little in terms of last year in the first half of the season.

posted on 24/8/17

If you distill Gray's performances down to about 2 minutes of highlights, he looks like a world beater.

The problem is, he's wasteful, selfish, and rather average for the other 88 minutes.

Yes he has undoubted raw talent, but I've seen nothing yet to see him improve on the basics of the game. When to pass, when to shoot, when to run at a Amman and when to lay it off. When to defend (for Gray that's never).

He needs more game time to prove whether this is because he lacks game time, or if he just isn't as good as he thinks he is.

My view is that if we're going to keep him, we start giving him more time. If he fails to deliver, he's got no one to blame but himself then.

My prediction? He'll fade and become the next Wayne Routledge. Over to you Gray - prove me wrong.

posted on 24/8/17

I can't help but feel that, as soon as Gray gets his wish, starts playing and playing really well, that he'll be banging the drum for a transfer to a bigger club.

All things considered, we should probably be looking elsewhere for the future - I can't see him playing here and being happy in a couple of seasons time.

posted on 24/8/17

I think he ( or his agent) is touting for a move if he doesn't get more game time.
Does he deserve more game time? Maybe? Needs a longer time-frame consistency when on the pitch. Undoubted talent, but wasteful with it.

As for Mahrez................. worried if Liverpool sell Coutinho as i think Riyad would fit it well at Anfield.

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