Not content with demanding the arrest and imprisonment of Monsieur Platini, Mad Constantin is going to throw another spanner at this tourney. Sion are apparently going to seek an emergency injunction with CAS tomorrow morning to prevent the game in Madrid taking place. CAS have already ruled against him FFS!!!
And he wonders why these decisions always go against him? If antagonising the world is the best way to get your own way, he's going the right way....
Upshot of it is there is still no guarantee the game will go ahead on Thursday. I am thoroughly tired of this - give up man, you have no chance here....
Don't pack yer passports just yet...
posted on 13/9/11
he pashing in the wind.....if CAS were likely to rule in Sion's favour they wouldn't have bothered with a civil court in the 1st place
posted on 13/9/11
I can't believe he is STILL perusing this. He must have really convinced himself he is correct
posted on 13/9/11
when there is a couple of million at stake for a club of Sions size its worth all the court cases he can muster. Constanstin is like a man who pulled angelina jolie only to get her home and realise he's left the hoose key in the taxi....I would be raging too
posted on 13/9/11
Precisely Chip. We laugh at Mad Vlad, but this guy is worse. And he's not even the worst owner in the Swiss League - the owner of Neuchatel xamax (I still shudder at the name) is a Chechen warlord. The same one that owns that Russian side Gullit was in charge of for a while. It seems the Swiss league don't have one of those 'fit and proper person' rules. Maybe they should look at that....
Oh well, let's see what tomorrow brings.
G'night all... <snooze>
posted on 13/9/11
The match on Thursday between A Madrid and Celtic will go ahead. Any other outcome is unacceptable to UEFA as a governing body. Celtic will play and don't need to concern themselves with this latest stroke from Constantin. When the dust settles UEFA need to get really serous with this character and either insist that the fcker resigns or fine Sion out of existence. The brazen attempt to flout the rules that govern all teams under the UEFA umbrella by this idiot is a direct threat to UEFA's rule. I don't always agree with the powers that be, but if there is no adherence to the rules that govern all teams then the whole shottin gallery is in danger of going up in smoke. This Constantin fella is a nutter and a loser to boot.