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Leicester miss deadline by 14 seconds!

New signing Adrien Silva (a replacement for Danny Drinkwater) was signed 14 seconds after the window shut and is now uneligable to play until January.

Bloody harsh that.


Hopefully common sense prevails here.

posted on 6/9/17


Do not sanction Drinkwater until you have your own deal guaranteed.

Then it is Chelsea's fault for leaving it late.

comment by Devil (U6522)

posted on 6/9/17

What if that delay made someone else late?

What if someone else was 14 seconds behind me?
If a delay of 14 seconds made somebody else late I could accuse them of cutting it just as fine as you, so they too wouldn't really have a leg to stand on if their respective boss decided to be a pr!ck and chew them out.

I confess to not have a logical counter for that one. Considering we're still dealing in seconds not minutes, I'd let them through as well and take any flack for it, but I acknowledge your point there

posted on 6/9/17

I am just playing Devil's advocate's advocate's advocate

posted on 6/9/17

comment by HRH King Ledley (U20095)
posted 15 minutes ago
I am just playing Devil's advocate's advocate's advocate
I just call it being contrary!

comment by Devil (U6522)

posted on 6/9/17

Well played sir

posted on 6/9/17

Anyway, what train ever left within 14s of it's departure time anyway!

Unless you're on the Tokyo metro!

posted on 6/9/17

In retrospect, a few too many 'anyway's' thrown in there!

Am I being too harsh on myself!

posted on 7/9/17

comment by BrummieBlue! (U3487)
posted 9 hours, 27 minutes ago
Anyway, what train ever left within 14s of it's departure time anyway!

Unless you're on the Tokyo metro!

I find it is either late, or 30 seconds facking early

posted on 7/9/17

I see Lesley's wetting her pants again over LCFC.

Get over it now Lesley - you finished second last season. That was a big improvement on the season before!

Just sit back and enjoy the two most successful seasons you've had for 40 years.

comment by Verse (U20361)

posted on 7/9/17

Can't Chelsea fans discuss something related to Chelsea instead of deadline missed by Leicester on ja606?

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