8 months for breach of the peace.
Thoroughly deserved I would say and he was probably rubbing his hands after the sectarian element was dropped.
Example made I would say!
8 Months for Wilson
posted on 14/9/11
U think 8 month for breach isnt long enough??
Before u go on the attack, i think the guy is a disgrace for what he done, but surely even in the eyes of the celtic support thats quite a hefty sentence for that offence?
posted on 14/9/11
Well known scotlands justice system,he will be out by monday
posted on 14/9/11
Well known scotlands justice system,he will be out by monday
posted on 14/9/11
Charlie for breach you do a night in the cells and a fine!
He has been in jail since May, already served half off it, if it wasnt for your club trying to point score, by trying to make it secterian and cover up Lennons managerial failings, to get aw the poor wee Lenny Factor going!
posted on 14/9/11
He got attacked,so it's hardly a cover up...
Do you know it was not a secterian act? no a did not think so...
That breach of the peace p!ss,he got assaulted pictures don't lie
posted on 14/9/11
Lennon got assaulted Charlie and it was an absolute pee take as no manager should have that sort of threat get near them.
But as I said for a charge of Breach of the Peace the guy has had a an example made of him, as I have never known anyone personally get 8months for it!
posted on 14/9/11
"Well known scotlands justice system,he will be out by monday"
Fudbar... did you think posting that illiterate dross twice would somehow validate it?
"Really Hot"
posted on 14/9/11
Who the feck mentioned cover ups charlie, actually are you Phil MacHollainn?
Jay-Z's Best pal?
posted on 14/9/11
Hardly call it an attack. The only hitting that took place was lennon/thompson putting fly boots in. U want them done?
The pics and live feed i saw of this incident did not involve any hitting from this man. Attempted yes, but no connection. Therefore it aint assault. The pics dont lie
posted on 14/9/11
The pics and live feed i saw of this incident did not involve any hitting from this man. Attempted yes, but no connection. Therefore it aint assault. The pics dont lie
"The decision came despite Wilson telling the court he had lunged at Lennon and struck him on the head"
No the brightest star in the sky, are ye