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Weight loss

Afternoon gents

So I've recently lost a fair bit of weight (around 2 stone down from 14st at 5'10) and I'm feeling great, however it doesn't seem to be shifting from my stomach as quickly as the rest of me.

Is there any specific exercises anyone can recommend that can help with this? Or is it a case of keep going and it'll shift?

Cheers in advance

Ps I realise this isn't strictly about weightlifting but there isn't a weight loss board

posted on 19/10/17

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comment by Tu Meke (U3732)

posted on 19/10/17

I'd still do a bit of abs, regardless how much fat you have there. Just don't go crazy on them because you'll get the pregnant belly look.

Cardio can get pretty facking boring, so I'd try and get involved in a sport at least twice a week. I do badminton and footie and work up all kinds of sweat.

posted on 19/10/17

comment by Edinspur (U1109)
posted 1 hour, 7 minutes ago
LISS stands for Low Intensity Steady State cardio. As its name suggests, it is any form of low intensity cardio where you maintain the same pace for a set period of time.

How low can it be? Can I just go on ja606 for an hour and post at a consistent rate?

posted on 19/10/17

comment by Clockwork Red (U4892)
posted 8 minutes ago
comment by Edinspur (U1109)
posted 1 hour, 7 minutes ago
LISS stands for Low Intensity Steady State cardio. As its name suggests, it is any form of low intensity cardio where you maintain the same pace for a set period of time.

How low can it be? Can I just go on ja606 for an hour and post at a consistent rate?

Some say WUMMING is more beneficial then a 1500m race

posted on 19/10/17

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comment by Back (U17633)

posted on 19/10/17

what a bunch of fackin poofs

posted on 19/10/17

comment by Nickasaurus (U9257)
posted 1 hour, 7 minutes ago
comment by Clockwork Red (U4892)
posted 8 minutes ago
comment by Edinspur (U1109)
posted 1 hour, 7 minutes ago
LISS stands for Low Intensity Steady State cardio. As its name suggests, it is any form of low intensity cardio where you maintain the same pace for a set period of time.

How low can it be? Can I just go on ja606 for an hour and post at a consistent rate?

Some say WUMMING is more beneficial then a 1500m race

Its why I stay so damn lean

posted on 19/10/17

Try the Python program, after a poster on the Utd board.

- no exercise needed
-no gym membership
- no sportswear required (for sport anyway, for day to day wear, essential).
-simply take up smack. Pounds will fly off.

(Disclaimer: use at own risk of arrest, and may have been completely fabricated)

posted on 31/10/17

Have you tried a girdle?

posted on 31/10/17

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