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Reasons for being optimistic

Most of you will remember that I was pretty neutral about Puel -unenthused would be a better description. I can however already see that TB has made his mind up and is kick starting the 'bring shakey back' campaign. In all honesty I think the points return would have been about the same had shakey stayed.

The Puel appointment though appears to be a nod to the future and also a vision for how leicester can start evolving its football to utilise our strengths and being in the youth. The problem is that's going to take time. Last nights draw was frustrating but also encouraging

When was the last time Leicester had more possession in the premier league than the opposition away from home? We did last night and in the first half the link up play through midfield was excellent

The problem wasn't chances created it was opportunities spurned, with Mahrez being the most guilty culprit. He could have played for 200 mins last night and created nothing. His final ball has to be better and more consistent. Can't blame Puel or shakey for that

Had we been awarded a penalty then the game would have been out of sight and to be honest it should have been which is why Puel is so frustrated. These are the issues that have been haunting us since the title win, they aren't going away over night

Talking of issues - Leicester have now conceded more
From corners than any other team and I have to agree with nev that Kasper is becoming increasingly under the spotlight. He doesn't command his area for set Pieces at all. Had we been able to deal with a simple corner we would have won the game

We played a rejuvenated West Ham last night. Not one full of quality but a team that worked incredibly hard and albrighton talked about the intimidating atmosphere. It was a bad second half but I don't think we will see too many of those going forward

I have some hope with Puel, his managerial record is outstanding but he will need to be backed in January with a transfer team who know what they are doing. That's what worries me

posted on 25/11/17

Oops typo alert

should say ' draws against TEAMS everybody thinks we should be beating


posted on 25/11/17

At least we should have Silva signed in time

Dont push it !

posted on 26/11/17

I’m not that optimistic at the minute. Maybe I’m just being negative though.

Puel has Vardy, Mahrez and Gray along with Albrighton playing as a front 4 yet we don’t seem to be offering any threat going forward. We look laboured and lazy in the final 3rd, and we look like we’re over thinking everything. Vardy also looks incredibly isolated.

Now I’m hoping it just needs time, but it does worry me that with that amount of attacking talent we look a bit blunt up top.

Hopefully it’s just time and the players will adjust, but I do think that the next two transfer windows become crucial to Puel.

It’s clear that he wants full backs that can get further up the pitch. Simpson was clearly 5 yards behind where the team wanted him for most of that West Ham game, yet he was our best defender dealing with their crosses. Fuchs also looks a yard or two short now in this formation.

So, I’m strugglong to be optimistic at the minute because I’ve not particularly been impressed by what I’ve seen, but I’m obviously going to give Puel time to work with the players and get them going. I think we can’t really judge him until midway through next season.

The positive is that we’re not losing and if we can continue to pick up points he’ll get the time to shape the team as he wants it.

One real plus - Iborra looks ready made for this new formation. We’re really seeing him thrive now.

posted on 26/11/17

I was at West Ham on Friday and the mood amongst the city fans was pretty positive. I thought we were very good first half and if Mahrez had done better with his decision making we could have been out of sight.

Second half we seemed to lose our way and frankly we were poor, but I am quietly pleased with our progress under Puel and can see this working.

posted on 26/11/17

Poor decision making by the whole front line but particularity Mahrez cost us the game on Friday.
You know football is a very simple game, so play the simple balls quicker. Its only when players like Mahrez who for all his great play there are 10 bad decisions start to complicate it all starts to go wrong.

posted on 26/11/17

My one gripe is in relation to Okazaki.

I appreciate that it initially looked like he wanted to use him to help towards the end of games rather than run him into the ground up until 60+ minutes, but not using him at all I think is a little concerning when he has been one of our best players this season and has been scoring goals.

posted on 26/11/17

I think despite Mersey's concern i think this guy has a plan something that has been missing.
He is not afraid of upsetting players so he did not look at Marhez rather then pretend he had a good.
Vardy said the manager has given them new formations to learn.

as for Ozi why do we have to rely on that hes gives a lot but stifles options

posted on 26/11/17

as for Ozi why do we have to rely on that hes gives a lot but stifles options

and falls over a lot...

posted on 26/11/17

How would bringing Okazaki on as a sub equate to reliance?

It is more about utilisation of somebody who has been scoring and contributing and inclusion statistically increases our win ratio. I am all for moving forward, but let’s at least utilise what was our plan A as a plan B option ...furthermore, at the end of the day, he has simply been one of our best players this season so far and I don’t really see why bringing him on to change things down behind Vardy to win the ball higher up and contribute to goal chances when we are looking impotent in the second half of games is stifling anything

posted on 26/11/17

Not convinced yet,team selection puzzling, use of subs more so.
Going nowhere at an hour then change,two wingers yet no one to cross to.No use of Okazaki at all.
Another two points lost.Still bad at set piece defending.
Time will tell.

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