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Flying up to Edinburgh in the next hour for work.
How bad is the snow up there?

First flight since the heart attack so a little nervous.

comment by Hector (U3606)

posted on 17/1/18


posted on 17/1/18

looks alright!

posted on 17/1/18

It is lovely and sunny here. Cold and icy so watch your step when you get here. Not sure what you used to be called so not sure if I should offer to buy you a pint.

posted on 17/1/18

comment by Mark O'Hara (U1734)
posted 9 hours, 20 minutes ago
It is lovely and sunny here. Cold and icy so watch your step when you get here. Not sure what you used to be called so not sure if I should offer to buy you a pint.
Definitely havr a pint or two next time. Was a day trip up from Luton so didnt have much time to do much else.
Return flight got delayed as the plane had to be de-iced so was bitterly cold.
Hadnt been Edinburgh in 17yrs but will be coming regularly for work

posted on 18/1/18

comment by Syntax Error (U20644)
posted 3 hours, 57 minutes ago
comment by Mark O'Hara (U1734)
posted 9 hours, 20 minutes ago
It is lovely and sunny here. Cold and icy so watch your step when you get here. Not sure what you used to be called so not sure if I should offer to buy you a pint.
Definitely havr a pint or two next time. Was a day trip up from Luton so didnt have much time to do much else.
Return flight got delayed as the plane had to be de-iced so was bitterly cold.
Hadnt been Edinburgh in 17yrs but will be coming regularly for work
Next time!

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