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Best In Genre

Pretty simple really. What is your favourite film in the following genres?

Action - T2
Sport - Rocky
Documentary - All This Mayhem
Foreign Language - City Of God
Comedy - Dumb And Dumber
Sci-Fi - Star Wars
Horror - Jaws (kinda horror)

posted on 26/1/18

comment by #4zA - #savethedonkeys (U19575)
posted 6 hours, 20 minutes ago
they r both grate but i enjoyed Bad Taste more

could not stop laughing at the scene where the zombie attempt to hit Peter Jackson with an ax and accidentally sticks it in his buddy then pulls off his own arms trying to pull it out of the other zombies head
I'd put Braindead and Badtaste on a par with each other To very amazing movies. I kick ass for the Lord! You're mother ate my Dog!

posted on 26/1/18

Action - Predator
Sport - Raging Bull
Documentary - The house I live in
Foreign Language - Une Prophet (one of the greatest movies ever made)
Comedy - Monthy Python (Brian or Grail)
Sci-Fi - Event Horizon
Horror - The Shining

Most of them can change depending on mood, bar the shining which is the best movie ever made

comment by RtM (U1097)

posted on 27/1/18

Why is foreign language a genre?

comment by RtM (U1097)

posted on 27/1/18

Action - John Wick
Sport - Rocky
Documentary - The Devil and Daniel Johnston
Foreign Language - Seven Samurai
Comedy - Nacho Libre
Sci-Fi - Moon
Horror - The Witch

posted on 30/1/18

Comedy - Nacho Libre
I loved this film, watched it sooooooo many times

posted on 4/2/18


I take exception to your sci fi pick. Star Wars is fantasy, not sci fi.

Nitpicking aside, its a good list.

Action - Die Hard
Sport - Rocky IV
Documentary - Searching for Sugarman
Foreign Language - Yojimbo
Comedy - Planes Trains and Automobiles
Sci-Fi - Back to the Future
Horror - Videodrome

posted on 6/2/18

Sport - Cool Runnings
Documentary - Borat: Cultural Learnings of America for Make Benefit Glorious
Foreign Language - Troll Hunter
Comedy - Life of Brian
Sci-Fi - Mega Shark vs Giant Octopus

posted on 6/2/18

Action - Predator
Sport - Rocky
Documentary - Where to invade next
Foreign Language - City Of God
Comedy - Life of brian
Sci-Fi - A very tough one - Maybe Star Trek (sorry only a few of the films)
Horror - Alien

posted on 23/3/22

Action - Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon
Sport - Slapshot
Documentary - Diego Maradona
Foreign Language - Fargo
Comedy - Airplane
Sci-Fi - Alien
Horror - The Witch

posted on 24/3/22

Action - Terminator
Sport - rocky
Documentary - Fyre (for the lol) or something by bbc’s Storyville, they are top class
Foreign Language - City of god
Comedy - Team america (also classed as a documentary)
Sci-Fi - Aliens
Horror - hmm, have to think about this one

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