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Ulloa to Brighton on loan

Now confirmed.

This is one that I think will be best for all parties and I genuinely wish him well and hope he does well there.

posted on 29/1/18

You for got his many
Holding of the ball in the opposition corner ,tick tock
And his defensive headers
All in the last 10 minutes of many matches

posted on 29/1/18

Andy king going on loan 😰
is that to Chelsea or Barcelona

posted on 29/1/18

On the phone-in this evening Matt Piper suggested that Kingy should be kept at the club, as he is a model professional and a good role model for the younger players. Sounds good but can't see it happening as Puel has more or less said that he won't get any playing time.

posted on 29/1/18

Time to start coaching and playing with the development squad ?
Depends what he wants

posted on 29/1/18

Good shout Dublin. Kingy to be a utility player whilst having a key coaching role at the club and doing his badges.

If he is as much as a professional as suggested, that could be good for all.

He is however still ridiculously young somehow so i’d Imagine he’d want to continue playing somewhere. A promotion chasing championship team would be an ideal fit.

posted on 29/1/18

I'm almost surprised he doesn't go to Belgium, an internal Loan almost, give our Nige a bit of extra help to close out promotion, Elliott Moore could help him settle in.

comment by Jobyfox (U4183)

posted on 30/1/18

comment by Merseysidefox (U4842)
posted 8 hours, 3 minutes ago
comment by Jobyfox (U4183)
posted 2 hours, 36 minutes ago
comment by Merseysidefox (U4842)
posted 1 hour, 35 minutes ago
One off the radar for Chelsea then!

Good move for all parties. Just a shame it’s not permanent as they’ll return him if they’re relegated and we’ll be stuck with his salary or forced to part fund a move.

Bet Joby is gutted he’s gone though...
Did you not check the author of this article before you posted or was this just a rhetorical statement?

Ha, I did check Joby, and I didn’t think it was you. No idea how I did that. In my defence, I’m very tired.

I still can’t beleove you wrote this article without stronger comment. Has someone stolen your account?
Ulloa was a decent signing and has been good for the club. Even £8m doesn’t seem that much now. He’s just miles behind what we need now especially if Puel stays as manager.

It’s a similar situation to King, although the latter never chucked his dummy out and say that he’ll never play for us again.

Shame we can’t get someone to stump up the dosh for these players though. Musa seems to have attracted no interest at all. We’re clealy not going to get anything back on a few players we massively overpaid for.

posted on 30/1/18

Totally agree Joby.

I never thought Ulloa was quite good enough, but he has been effective and a very good servant to our club during its greatest period. Now is the right time to move on.

It’s funny how at the point he becomes not good enough for Leicester, he becomes perfect for Chelsea 😂

What was Drinkwater thinking!

posted on 30/1/18

Rumour has it, Drinkwater has admitted that he wasn't.

posted on 30/1/18

Good shout on some of Leo,s other strengths
dublin . He could be a very good signing for
Brighton, and if they stayup they will probably
stump up some cash for him . Just dont think
he fitted in to Claudes plans.

Hope Musa does well at Sofia. He needs something
because he isnt going to get anything here. Cant see
u+s getting much, if anything for him.

It looks like Slimani will go on loan. According to
Sky Sports drivel centre Monaco are after him but
he wants to stay in England and Geordies are

Mersey, totally agree on Kingy. He would be a great
loan sigmimg for a promotion/ playoffseeking championship club. Could make the differance.

Sky Sports Drivel Centre, say we are selling all our
players and bringing anvbody in. Good Reseatch.
Come on Claude/Jr what are you playing at



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