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Why we kept five clean sheets.

I have been pondering on this a lot and also why Kasper is playing better.

Whether its from the manager or the defenders they giving Kasper more space to come and collect the ball and the pace of the defenders across the back means they can afford to give themselves a yard to recover.

This gives kasper more opertunites to come and collect rather giving away corners our set piece weakness

For some reason i know that you won't agree about Amartey but his pace and mobility cuts out a lots of cross's and Simpson looked rust and did his arms behind his back thing and let at least two crosses in.

For those who say CP has no passion did you see his goal celebration for our new boy and his find thats happyness

posted on 30/1/18

I just think we’re clicking at the moment and thateybd happens when you’re in good form.

Luck also seems to come back when you have form as well, Posh could still have punished us but they didn’t, small differences from being in 7th and slowly dropping down.

Burnley were considerably ahead of us a little while ago, they’ve lost their luck while we’ve found ours.

It would be interesting to see a ‘wave’ graph of how different teams move about the positions over a Season, outside of the top echelons of course who seem to just swap positions.

Burnley ( not so much yet )
West Ham

Would all make an interesting wave chart.

posted on 30/1/18

I think it’s down to two things:

1. Genuine tactical work helping players improve their games and cut out chances.
2. Luck. There have been way too many examples of teams failing to take advantage of our defensive mistakes recently. That will change.

We don’t look solid yet but we do look better. Once again, credit Puel for adjusting our style and tactics to improve a real weakness.

posted on 30/1/18

I don't think luck comes into five clean sheets. its not very complimentary to the work the back five have done?
If you don't think we look solid with only one goal in six games what is solid?

posted on 30/1/18

You have to take into account who played and where into it.

Huddersfield at home - they are on free fall
Chelsea - excellent result but they were poor up front.
Watford at home - in Freefall and helped to lose Silva his job.

I’m not taking anything away because it’s still a good run but apart from Chelsea not exactly top teams were they!

posted on 30/1/18

Now a clean sheet tonight, that would be

posted on 30/1/18

Or tomorrow even, tonight will be an easy clean sheet.

posted on 30/1/18

Sorry Nev, I do believe luck comes in to it. Teams have missed big chances and we’ve only really played Chelsea with attacking quality.

posted on 30/1/18

hmmm Chelsea away premier league champions well when was the last time we kept fiv clean sheets agsinst anyone. I am not saying we chould not of beaten them but clean sheets are a rare commodity but we are defending differently and Kasper being unwelded from his line must have something to do with it.

posted on 30/1/18

Haha it’s ALL about Kasper!

posted on 30/1/18

Its because we are keeping the ball better, if we have the ball the other team cant score..

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