It gets even worse for us lads, check out Fifa 's complaint regarding the constant close ups of hot women during TV coverage
Is the world wanting rid of men? Whatever next
Stop looking at the women
posted on 12/7/18
Well, that is strange 🤔 I’ve not noticed a single woman objecting to the cameras being flung in her face, instead cheering gleefully at an onlooking world every time. They can remove close-ups of men for all I care.
Needless to say this comes from BBC Sport. Who else and who stranger. Get rid of them instead.
posted on 12/7/18
It's not just about the close-up of hot women though. It's also about women being accosted outside the stadiums.
"mainly of Russian women being "accosted in the streets" by male fans.
However, Powar believes the real number of incidents is likely to be "10 times this"."
This is a bigger issue than cutaway to hot fans. And let's be honest. Those fans go there to get on cam.
posted on 12/7/18
During Russia 2018 photographic agency Getty Images published a photo gallery of "the hottest fans at the World Cup" featuring exclusively young women.
The gallery was later removed by Getty, who said that it was a "regrettable error in judgement" and that an internal investigation would be made.
What’s wrong with this?
posted on 12/7/18
Those fans go there to get on cam
Ba ha ha no hope they might actually like football and also be attractive?
posted on 12/7/18
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