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The Best Fans in the World....

.... the self proclaimed most faithful and best fans in the world were leaving with 20 mins to go... ooo little Kenneth are they not happy with you?

posted on 19/9/11

There was quite a few fans sneaking out. Fair play to the ones who stayed and sung at the end of the game. As to outsinging spurs - well that's simply wrong.

posted on 19/9/11

Aye lad, dont take the pi$$ out of the best fans 'in derr werld'

posted on 19/9/11

It may have sounded loud on the TV but believe me, it wasn't in reality!


We'll have to ring Sky and ask them to stop tinkering with the audio

After a poor weekend, this has cheered me up

posted on 19/9/11

Devil bloke
"And do these plastic Chelsea supporters actually sing? Can't say as I've ever heard them..."

Then try getting off the chair and attend your footballing home next time we turn up, you can hear for yourself, you may just be in for a shock

posted on 19/9/11

"try getting off the chair and attend your footballing home next time we turn up, you can hear for yourself, you may just be in for a shock"

So, knowing absolutely nothing about me, you in your supreme arrogance and dearth of intellect have just resorted to the security blanket loved by all ignorami, the unwarranted assumption being some kind of opiate to you, despite the lack of any basis in reality. Quite sad really.

And in that same vein I would point out that when you say "next time we turn up", what you no doubt really mean is when you sit on your fat jacksie swilling down cheap lager and switch on Sky Sports while the more dedicated supporters attend.
Still, I understand; it must be hard to stretch your Giro out to matches as well as the lager and no doubt the CSA on your case too.

posted on 20/9/11

Quite possibly the most pompous comment I've seen on these boards, but then again, you were the same wanchor on BBC 606.

I used the term Devil bloke to reflect your chosen sobriquet, qute laughable really.

have you realised that in your second paragraph you describe me as a "fat Jacksied, lager drinking, dole bludger", who reneges on his duty concerning his children.

all this because I called into question your comments regarding the "Plastic" Chelsea fans, andf their lack of vocal support, please allow me to explain why;
Away support is never plastic, and pretty much always vocal, they are the fans who go wherever their team does. When I say "we", I am refering to the brotherhood of Chelsea fans who do follow their team both home and away, no I was not at old Trafford on Sunday, my work shift did not allow me to make it, but I do travel everywhere I can with my club, and at 52 years old, I would suggest I have the right to defend my club's supporters against arrogant ill informed poseurs such as yourself.

Finally, trying to come across as some kind of Stephen Fry of these boards is hillarious in it's make-up, please drop the act, it might work with some, it doesn't work at all with most

Adam Z Lucifer my hat

posted on 21/9/11

BELLSEND 59 (U6325) :
"trying to come across as some kind of Stephen Fry of these boards is hillarious (sic) in it's make-up, please drop the act"

Ooh, tetchy! Why do all you curious fellows end up feeling the need to resort to such absurd affectations of eruditon in responding to my posts?
You claim that I am pompous, so what, are you trying to "out-pompous" me or do you really imagine that this sudden attention to grammar (though not evidently to spelling) and the desperate pseudo-intellectual veneer on what are essentially the same old puerile insults will impress?

Your laughable - and frankly rather bizarre - attempts to represent me as some kind of Stephen Fry wannabe merely demonstrates both your complete ignorance about me (and anyone who imagines they know anything of consequence about me merely through my comments on a football forum really is ignorant) and your own limited experience of a social mien in which erudition is not seen to be some kind of aberration; you evidently feel that the possession of such a quality must necessarily mean those who do possess it are some kind of quasi-Stephen Fry. Sad, yet telling.
And why do you imagine that it must be an "act"? Is your own experience limited to social discourse with monosyllabic lowbrows to the extent that anyone whose literary skills run to more than txtspk must be "acting"?

You have clearly spent some time dressing up your facile abuse as something of rather more consequence, but alas, it is mere window dressing, so let me give you some advice gratis:
1) Mocking my style of writing as being pompous and then trying to impress by trying to ape it is ultimately self-defeating.
2) Substance will always prevail over style, and it is not necessary to encumber yourself with trying to appear more articulate than you actually are in order to make a cogent and valid point.
n.b Of course, if, like me, you have both style AND substance, you're in clover!

"Adam Z Lucifer my hat"

What about your hat? I don't have your hat, I've never even seen your damned hat. Nutter.

posted on 21/9/11

n.b Of course, if, like me, you have both style AND substance, you're in clover!
Yes we hear you have both substance and style, normally from you, but we hear it nevertheless.

By curious fellows, I assume you mean ordainary blokes, the type who make up football followings across the country

Nice to see you've become a fully fledged member of the grammar police too, a sort of police special who failed the real thing, the Nigel Mansell of 606.

My point which you have neatly avoided regarding travelling fans being anything other than plastic, still stands, and is somewhat unchallengable due to the very nature of what they do, i.e travel to watch their club. If you feel I am incorrect please feel free to point out where my opinion on the issue is incorrect, this may lead us down the road of debate, although I somehow doubt it.

Doesn't Brian Sewell have a site you could visit, I'm sure you could impress each other with your ramblings

posted on 21/9/11

"My point which you have neatly avoided"

Your "point" was hard to discern, being as it was, buried amidst a semi-literate barrage of invective.
In any case, as a supporter who has followed my team from the mid sixties I have no intention of debating the matter with pretentious and arrogant fools who imagine they and they alone are the true representatives of football support - and who are so desperate to impress that upon everyone else with Onanistic fervour that they will pick up on a remark that any sensible person would recognise to be a tongue-in-cheek response to an earlier post (and btw it was that post which introduced the term "plastic".

Now for the good news; You obviously have a deep aversion to articulacy and erudition, but you need not worry - I can confirm that they are not in fact communicable (except through a steady course of what we call "education", but I suspect that you need not worry in any case as you show clear signs of having a natural immunity.

posted on 21/9/11

Your "point" was hard to discern, being as it was, buried amidst a semi-literate barrage of invective.
In any case, as a supporter who has followed my team from the mid sixties I have no intention of debating the matter with pretentious and arrogant fools who imagine they and they alone are the true representatives of football support - and who are so desperate to impress that upon everyone else with Onanistic fervour that they will pick up on a remark that any sensible person would recognise to be a tongue-in-cheek response to an earlier post (and btw it was that post which introduced the term "plastic"

And there lies the problem Mr Devil, you see for the best part, it's easy to detect a touch of leg pulling on here, and the leg pullers tend to do it on a regular basis, you dont, what you tend to do is pontificate, and attempt to come across somewhat superior to the posters with whom you interlock, it's a shame really, because you are obviously either well educated, well read, or a user of the online dictionary, maybe all three, who knows?

Now for the good news; You obviously have a deep aversion to articulacy and erudition, but you need not worry - I can confirm that they are not in fact communicable (except through a steady course of what we call "education", but I suspect that you need not worry in any case as you show clear signs of having a natural immunity

On one of your earlier ramblings through the English language, you stated that it is impossible to deduce anything about your postings from your input to the forum, I assume this works for us all then (or is your superiority complex so far reaching that this applies to you only).

I ask because so far from my postings you have deduced that I am in fact ;
A. Fat Jacksied.
B. Cheap lager drinking.
C. Not dedicated to my club (the club which I too have followed since the 1960).
D. Unemployed.
E. A poor father.
F. Averse to articulacy and erudition.
G. Uneducated

May I please ask you to re-read your earlier comment

"So, knowing absolutely nothing about me, you in your supreme arrogance and dearth of intellect have just resorted to the security blanket loved by all ignorami, the unwarranted assumption being some kind of opiate to you, despite the lack of any basis in reality. Quite sad really."

How does that sit with you then, everything you accuse me of and insult me for, have been multiplied by a scale of 5 or 6 by your good self

And you find no irony in the fact that you accuse me of using unwarranted assumption as my comfort blanket, and class me as one of the ignorami

Really Mr Devil, really ??

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